HL Deb 27 July 1999 vol 604 c182WA
Lord Kennet

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Why NATO has kept no record of which targets were attacked with what weapons by the forces of which member state; how without these data NATO will be able to form a judgment of the military effectiveness or the legality of the action: and whether they will now seek to establish such a record. [HL3725]

Lord Gilbert

There are long-standing procedures already in place, set out in Service Instructions, which cover the creation and return to MoD UK of appropriate records of operational deployments by British Forces.

The Ministry of Defence is looking for the lessons to be learned from the Kosovo conflict, and is contributing to similar work at NATO. A full assessment of the damage inflicted on targets by the air campaign is currently under way under the auspices of the NATO Munitions Effectiveness Assessment Team.

Arrangements exist within NATO to ensure that decisions on targeting were consistent and that advice was available on those elements of international law that had a bearing on such decisions.