HC Deb 23 July 1999 vol 335 c709W
Mr. Gardiner

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions (1) when the shadow Wembley Task Force will be formally constituted; [91702]

(2) what consultation the Wembley Task Force has had with (a) local community stakeholders, (b) Brent Council and (c) local community and business organisations. [91700]

Mr. Raynsford

No Task Force has been constituted for Wembley. As I said in response to my hon. Friend on 24 June 1999,Official Report, columns 443–45, the Wembley Park Regeneration Partnership has secured Single Regeneration Budget funding of £15,255,000 towards a seven year programme for the Business Park there. Other work aimed at ensuring maximum impact and benefits flow from the redevelopment of Wembley Stadium is currently underway although, being essentially a sporting-related venture, the Department of Culture Media and Sport is taking lead responsibility. Proposals covering the wider regeneration interests involving a range of bodies and interests, including Government Office London, English Partnerships as facilitator, Brent Council and local community and business interests are under development. The Government hope to be able to announce further details soon.