HL Deb 23 July 1999 vol 604 c134WA
Lord Higgins

asked Her Majesty's Government:

At what level in government the decision to install traffic lights on the A.2 at Kender Street, London SE14, was taken, on what advice the decision was based, and whether they will consider stopping the lights operating. [HL3708]

Lord Whitty

The decision to install traffic lights on the A.2 at Kender Street, London SE14, was taken by the highway authority, the London Borough of Lewisham, as part of the implementation of its red route proposals for the A.2.

The signals provide a controlled crossing for pedestrians wishing to cross New Cross Road and form one element of a co-ordinated system of traffic lights including revised traffic signals at the junction of New Cross Road and Queen's Road. The council took the decision to switch on the traffic signals at Kender Street prior to the completion of the rest of the scheme because the new signals replaced a zebra crossing at the location. Had the council not done so, pedestrians would have continued to have difficulty in crossing New Cross Road. We understand that the civil engineering works being undertaken by the council have fallen behind programme and will not be ready for some weeks. Once all the work is complete, in early September, the scheme should improve public transport and pedestrian facilities in the area without undue delay to other road users.