HL Deb 22 July 1999 vol 604 c128WA
Lord Tebbit

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether it is their view that acts of adultery, fornication, sex between juveniles, perverted sex, violence within marriage, theft, trespass, or use of drugs by fictional characters in popular television soap operas, such as "Coronation Street" and "EastEnders", are likely to cause young people to emulate such behaviour. [HL3631]

Lord McIntosh of Haringey

Successive governments have acknowledged the sensitivity of broadcast output and its possible adverse effect on young people. Under broadcasting legislation and the BBC Charter, it is the duty of regulators to produce codes and guidelines which address the need to protect vulnerable members of society from inappropriate material.

In producing guidance the regulators have to reflect the codes of guidance produced by the Broadcasting Standards Commission, which are underpinned by research, including research on the impact of certain material on children and young people. The Government believe that, in general, the current arrangements are working well.