HC Deb 13 July 1999 vol 335 cc90-2W
Mr. Dismore

To ask the Attorney-General how many(a) race and (b) sex discrimination cases have been lodged against the CPS at industrial/employment tribunals by CPS staff in each of the last five years; and how many of

Cases lodged Result favourable to applicant Settled Discontinued Ongoing
Race discrimination cases lodged by CPS staff
April 1994 to March 1995
April 1995 to March 1996 2 1 11
April 1996 to March 1997 1 11
April 1997 to March 1998 3 1 1 11
April 1998 to March 1999 8 11 13 11 13
Sex discrimination cases lodged by CPS staff
April 1994 to March 1995
April 1995 to March 1996 1 11
April 1996 to March 1997 2 12
April 1997 to March 1998 2 11 11
April 1998 to March 1999 6 11 12 13
1 The table includes one case claiming race and sex discrimination

Mr. Dismore

To ask the Attorney-General (1) what plans he has to review the operation of performance appraisal reports in the CPS in the light of the Bamieh case; [90377]

(2) what plans he has to review the operation of CPS promotion boards following the Bamieh case; [90378]

(3) what plans he has to review the operation of acting up arrangements in the CPS following the Bamieh case. [90380]

The Attorney-General

The recent decision of the Employment Tribunal, to which I believe my hon. Friend refers, concerns a case brought by Mrs. Bamieh against the Crown Prosecution Service relating to events which took place after 1 July 1997 and before 22 June 1998. The Tribunal found for Mrs. Bamieh in respect of the conduct of a promotion board that took place in 1998 but against her in the other three matters that she put forward.

Mrs. Bamieh's complaint in relation to her performance appraisal report in 1998 failed; however, the Crown Prosecution Service, in any event, introduced a new performance appraisal report that year. The appraisal system is being kept under regular review.

Equally, the Tribunal did not find that Mrs. Bamieh was discriminated against in relation to deputising and temporary promotion procedures; however, it did make observations about the systems in place. The deputising and temporary promotion procedures are currently under review and are being discussed with the departmental Trade Unions. The comments made by the Tribunal are being taken into account.

The Tribunal's Decision in relation to the conduct of the promotion boards is being taken very seriously by the Crown Prosecution Service, which is currently reviewing its promotion board procedures.

the cases within (a) and (b) were (i) successfully pursued to a tribunal decision favourable to the applicant, (ii) settled and (iii) discontinued. [90379]

The Attorney-General

The statistics from April 1994 until March 1999 are set out in the following table. My hon. Friend's attention is drawn to the footnote which accompanies the table.