HC Deb 24 February 1999 vol 326 c308W
Mr. Clappison

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many female prisoners convicted of offences involving possession, supply or trafficking of controlled drugs were serving sentences of(a) less than three months imprisonment, (b) three to six months imprisonment, (c) six to 12 months imprisonment and (d) more than 12 months imprisonment. [72359]

Mr. George Howarth

The available information is given in the table.

before the Justice and Internal Affairs Council on 12 March, indicating the position he proposes to take on each issue. [72727]

Kate Hoey

Agendas for Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Councils, which are determined by the Presidency of the day, are nearly always finalised only very shortly before Council meetings themselves. The agenda for the JHA Council on 12 March is still in draft form, and is very likely to undergo substantial further revision. Current indications are that major items are likely to be Europol, questions relating to the transition from the Maastricht to the Amsterdam Treaty with regard to Conventions, and preparation of a meeting with central and eastern European countries and Cyprus, which will take place in the afternoon.

An annotated agenda will be sent to the Select Committee on European Scrutiny in the normal way, as soon as possible.