HC Deb 22 February 1999 vol 326 cc144-8W
Dr. Tony Wright

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland which of the executive non-departmental public bodies sponsored by his Department publish(a) the minutes of meetings, (b) the agendas of meetings and documents for those meetings and (c) a register of members' interests; and if in each case this is under a statutory requirement. [69954]

Mr. Dewar

The information requested is as follows:

  1. (a) The following bodies publish minutes of meetings:
    • National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting for Scotland
    • National Museums of Scotland
    • Royal Botanic Garden
    • Scottish Arts Council
    • Scottish Conveyancing and Executry Services Board
    • Scottish Environment Protection Agency
    • Scottish Sports Council
    • Scottish Water and Sewerage Customers Council
    • All do so voluntarily and not under a statutory requirement.

  1. (b) The following bodies publish the agendas of meetings and documents for those meetings:
    • National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting for Scotland
    • National Museums of Scotland
    • Scottish Arts Council
    • Scottish Conveyancing and Executry Services Board
    • Scottish Environment Protection Agency
    • Scottish Water and Sewerage Customers Council
    • All do so voluntarily and not under a statutory requirement.
  2. (c) The following bodies publish a register of members' interests:
    • Accounts Commission for Scotland
    • Hannah Research Institute*
    • Highlands and Islands Enterprise
    • Macaulay Land Use Research Institute
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    • Moredun Research Institute*
    • National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting of Scotland
    • National Galleries of Scotland
    • National Library of Scotland
    • National Museums of Scotland
    • Rowett Research Institute*
    • Royal Botanic Garden
    • Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments in Scotland
    • Scottish Arts Council*
    • Scottish Conveyancing and Executory Services Board
    • Scottish Council for Educational Technology*
    • Scottish Crop Research Institute*
    • Scottish Enterprise
    • Scottish Environment Protection Agency
    • Scottish Further Education Unit
    • Scottish Higher Education Funding Council
    • Scottish Homes
    • Scottish Natural Heritage
    • Scottish Sports Council
    • Scottish Tourist Board
    • Scottish Water and Sewerage Customers Council
    • Those marked * do so under a statutory requirement; the other voluntarily.
From 1 July 1999, this will be a matter for the Scottish Parliament.

Dr. Tony Wright

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland which of the executive non-departmental public bodies sponsored by his Department(a) admit members of the public to all board or committee meetings, (b) hold public meetings, (c) have lay or consumer representatives on their boards and (d) operate some form of appeal or complaints procedure; and if in each case this is under a statutory requirement. [69987]

Mr. Dewar

The information requested is as follows:

  1. (a) The following bodies admit members of the public to all board and committee meetings:
    • National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting for Scotland
    • Scottish Conveyancing and Executry Services Board
    • Scottish Environment Protection Agency
    • Scottish Water and Sewerage Customers Council
    • All do so voluntarily and not under a statutory requirement.
  2. (b) The following bodies hold public meetings:
    • Crofters Commission*
    • Deer Commission for Scotland
    • Highlands and Islands Enterprise
    • Moredun Research Institute
    • National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting for Scotland
    • Royal Botanic Garden
    • Scottish Arts Council
    • Scottish Community Education Council
    • Scottish Conveyancing and Executry Services Board*
    • Scottish Council for Educational Technology
    • Scottish Enterprise
    • Scottish Environment Protection Agency
    • Scottish Higher Education Funding Council
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    • Scottish Homes
    • Scottish Natural Heritage
    • Scottish Screen
    • Scottish Sports Council
    • Those marked * do so under a statutory requirement; the others voluntarily.
  3. (c) The following bodies have lay or consumer representatives on their boards:
    • Accounts Commission for Scotland
    • Crofters Commission
    • Hannah Research Institute
    • Macaulay Land Use Research Institute
    • Moredun Research Institute
    • Parole Board for Scotland
    • Rowett Research Institute
    • Royal Botanic Garden
    • Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland
    • Scottish Arts Council
    • Scottish Conveyancing and Executry Services Board*
    • Scottish Council for Educational Technology
    • Scottish Crop Research Institute
    • Scottish Environment Protection Agency
    • Scottish Further Education Unit
    • Scottish Higher Education Funding Council
    • Scottish Homes
    • Scottish Legal Aid Board
    • Scottish Medical Practices Committee*
    • Scottish Screen
    • Scottish Water and Sewerage Customers Council*
    • Those marked * do so under a statutory requirement; the others voluntarily.
  4. (d) The following bodies operate some form of appeal or complaints procedure:
    • Accounts Commission for Scotland
    • Crofters Commission
    • Deer Commission for Scotland
    • Highlands and Islands Enterprise
    • National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting for Scotland*
    • National Galleries of Scotland
    • National Library of Scotland
    • National Museums of Scotland
    • Royal Botanic Garden
    • Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland
    • Scottish Arts Council
    • Scottish Children's Reporter Administration
    • Scottish Community Education Council*
    • Scottish Conveyancing and Executry Services Board
    • Scottish Council for Educational Technology
    • Scottish Enterprise
    • Scottish Environment Protection Agency
    • Scottish Higher Education Funding Council
    • Scottish Homes
    • Scottish Legal Aid Board
    • Scottish Natural Heritage*
    • Scottish Qualifications Authority
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    • Scottish Screen
    • Scottish Sports Council
    • Scottish Water and Sewerage Customers Council
    • Those marked * do so under a statutory requirement; the others voluntarily.
From 1 July 1999, this will be a matter for the Scottish Parliament.

Dr. Tony Wright

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland which of the advisory non-departmental public bodies sponsored by his Department(a) admit members of the public to all board or committee meetings, (b) hold public meetings and (c) have lay or consumer representatives on their boards; and if in each case this is under a statutory requirement. [69969]

Mr. Dewar

The information requested is as follows:

  1. (a) The General Teaching Council for Scotland voluntarily admits members of the public to all board or committee meetings.
  2. (b) The following bodies hold public meetings:
    • Extra Parliamentary Panel
    • General Teaching Council for Scotland
    • Historic Buildings Council for Scotland
    • Royal Fine Art Commission for Scotland
    • Scottish Consultative Council on the Curriculum
    • All do so voluntarily except for Extra Parliamentary Panel which is subject to a statutory requirement.
  3. (c) The following bodies have lay or consumer representatives on their boards:
    • Ancient Monuments Board for Scotland
    • Building Standards Advisory Committee
    • Central Advisory Committee on Justices of the Peace
    • General Teaching Council for Scotland
    • Health Appointments Advisory Committee
    • Justices of the Peace Advisory Committees
    • Scottish Advisory Committee on Drug Misuse
    • Scottish Childcare Board
    • Scottish Consultative Council on the Curriculum
    • Secretary of State's Advisory Committee on Scotland's Travelling People
    • All do so voluntarily except the General Teaching Council for Scotland which is subject to a statutory requirement.
    • From 1 July 1999, this will be a matter for the Scottish Parliament.

Dr. Tony Wright

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland which of the advisory non-departmental public bodies sponsored by his Department publish(a) the minutes of meetings, (b) the agendas of meetings and documents for those meetings and (c) a register of members' interests; and if in each case this is under a statutory requirement. [69941]

Mr. Dewar

The information requested is as follows:

  1. (a) The following bodies publish the minutes of meetings:
    • Advisory Committee on Dental Establishments*
    • Extra Parliamentary Panel*
    • General Teaching Council for Scotland
    • Parliamentary Boundary Commission for Scotland
    • Royal Fine Art Commission for Scotland
    • Scottish Advisory Committee on the Medical Workforce*
    • Scottish Consultative Council on the Curriculum
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    • Those marked * do so under a statutory requirement; the others voluntarily.
  2. (b) The following bodies publish the agendas of meetings and documents for those meetings:
    • Advisory Committee on Dental Establishment*
    • General Teaching Council for Scotland
    • Parliamentary Boundary Commission for Scotland
    • Scottish Advisory Committee on the Medical Workforce*
    • Those marked * do so under a statutory requirement; the others voluntarily.
  3. (c) The following bodies publish a register of members' interests:
    • Ancient Monuments Board for Scotland
    • Scottish Childcare Board
    • Scottish Consultative Council on the Curriculum
    • Secretary of State's (Electricity) Fisheries Committee
    • Secretary of State's Advisory Committee on Scotland's Travelling People

All do so voluntarily and not under a statutory requirement.

From 1 July 1999, this will be a matter for the Scottish Parliament.

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