HC Deb 08 February 1999 vol 325 cc12-3W
Mr. Salmond

To ask the Chairman of the Accommodation and Works Committee what is the expected final cost of Portcullis House; when it is due to be completed; what is the cost of(a) furniture, (b) catering facilities, (c) exterior decoration and (d) interior decoration; how many (i) hon. Members, (ii) Parliamentary staff and (iii) ancillary staff will be accommodated in the new building; and if he will make a statement. [69103]

Sir Sydney Chapman

As previously reported, the forecast outturn cost of the project is £250m. In addition to the capital costs, this figure includes furniture and fittings, professional and construction management fees and VAT. In accordance with the brief agreed by the House in 1992, the building will provide accommodation for 205 hon. Members and at least as many Members' staff. The precise number will depend on individual hon. Members' working arrangements. At this stage figures for the number of ancillary staff, who will be mainly from the Serjeant at Arms and Refreshment Departments, are not available. The select committee and conference rooms will also be heavily used.

Much of the furniture has yet to be purchased but the budget figures total £3.7m. These figures include the furnishing of the select committee and conference rooms and other communal areas including the refreshment and library facilities as well as the offices of hon. Members and their staff. The cost of the catering equipment, furniture and fittings is £2.4m. All the surfaces, both internal and external, are self-finished so there are no costs that could be attributed to decoration. The building is due to be occupied early in 2001. Work remains on schedule.