HL Deb 08 February 1999 vol 597 cc9-10WA
Lord Hardy of Wath

asked Her Majesty's Government: Whether—

  1. (a) they consider that the Hedgerows Regulations 1977 are in need of amendment:
  2. (b) the proposed reforms in Agenda 2000 will enhance the protection of hedgerows; and
  3. (c) whether they will respond swiftly to the House of Commons Environment Committee's report on the protection of field boundaries, which has recently been published.[HL783]

Lord Whitty

(a) The Government announced in May 1997 that the Hedgerows Regulations 1977 would be reviewed to see how they could provide stronger protection for important hedgerows. Recommendations by the group which carried out the review were published in July 1998. The Government expect to consult on revised draft regulations after the research into the group's proposed criteria defining important hedgerows has been completed and evaluated.

(b) It is still too early to predict the outcome of the Agenda 2000 negotiations. The agri-environment schemes, which will continue as a requirement under Agenda 2000 Rural Development Regulation proposals, provide support for the restoration and maintenance of field boundaries. In England, the Government have announced the continuing expansion of areas under the main agri-environment schemes. An extra £ 40 million is being made available over the next three years for these schemes, some of which will be used to benefit hedgerows. New funding is also being made available for the all-Wales scheme which it is hoped will be introduced in April. some of which may be used for hedgerow restoration work.

(c) The Government's response to the Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee report of its inquiry into the Protection of Field Boundaries was published on 25 January 1999.