HC Deb 01 December 1999 vol 340 cc263-72W
Mr. Dismore

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list the forthcoming business in the Council of the European Union for(a) December and (b) the major European Union events for the next six months. [101185]

Mr. Vaz

The business is as follows:

Monthly forecast of EU business: December 1999

29 November-3 December—Seattle—WTO Ministerial Conference No formal agenda 1–2 December—Brussels—European Parliament Plenary

Consultation procedure (possible) Proposal for a Council regulation regarding the implementation of measures to intensify the EC-Turkey Customs Union (possible) Council Act establishing the Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters between the member states of the European Union Proposal for a Council decision concerning the approval, on behalf of the Community, of the amendments to the Annexes to the Convention on the protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area (Helsinki Convention) (possible) Proposal for a Council Directive on the marketing of forest reproductive material (possible) Proposal for a Council regulation amending Regulation (EC) No. 2201/96 on the common organisation of the markets in processed fruit and vegetable products (possible) Proposal for a Council regulation on the common organisation of the markets in fishery and aquaculture products Proposal for a Council regulation amending for the third time Regulation (EC) No. 850/98 of 30 March 1998 for the conservation of fishery resources through technical measures for the protection of juveniles of marine organisms Proposals for a Council regulation amending Regulation (EC) No. 2596/97 extending the period provided for in Article 149(1) of the Act of Accession of Austria, Finland and Sweden Codecision procedure

First reading (possible) Proposal for a European Parliament and Council regulation regarding the implementation of measures to promote economic and social development in Turkey (possible) Proposal for European Parliament and Council Directive relating to limit values for benzene and carbon monoxide in ambient air Codecision procedure

Second reading (possible) Common position adopted by the Council with a view to adopting a European Parliament and Council decision establishing a scheme to monitor the average specific emissions of CO2 from new passenger cars Codecision procedure

Third reading (possible) Joint text approved by the Conciliation Committee for a European Parliament and Council Directive on minimum requirements for improving the safety and health protection of workers potential at risk from explosive atmospheres 2 December—Brussels—Energy Council 1. Adoption of the provisional agenda 2. (possible) Approval of the list of "A" items 3. Strategy for integrating environmental aspects and sustainable development into energy policy Report to the Helsinki European Council 4. Directive 96/92/EC concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity: State of implementation and harmonisation requirements Information from the Commission and adoption of Council Conclusions 5. Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and the Council on energy efficiency requirements for ballast for fluorescent lighting Orientation debate doc. 9564/99 ENER 81 ENV 242 CODEC 373 6. Communication from the Commission: Strengthening the Northern dimension of European energy policy Presentation by the Commission and adoption of Council Conclusions doc. 12805/99 ENER 123 RELEX 44 7. Access for electricity from renewables to the internal electricity market Information from the Commission 8. Directive 98/30/EC concerning common rules for the internal market in natural gas: Harmonisation report Presentation by the Commission 9. Communication from the Commission on security of EU gas supply Presentation by the Commission doc. 12896/99 ENER 124 10. Energy Charter Treaty Progress report (possible) Adoption of Negotiating Directives on an Agreement on Transit (Item on which a vote may be requested) 11. Any Other Business: (a) Millennium bug Information from the Commission (b) Community Energy efficiency action plan Information from the Commission Possible "A" items: 1. European Parliament and Council Decision adopting a multiannual programme for the promotion of energy efficiency—SAVE programme Adoption 2. European Parliament and Council Decision adopting a multiannual programme for the promotion of renewable energy sources in the Community—ALTENER programme Adoption 2 December—Brussels—Research Council 1. Adoption of the agenda 2. (possible) Approval of the list of "A" items 3. Implementation of the 4th and 5th research Framework Programmes (a) Overview of the 4th Framework Programme (b) Outcome of the initial calls for proposals under the 5th Framework Programme (c) Participation of the applicant CCEE and Cyprus in the 5th Framework Programme Commission reports and exchange of views 4. Preparation for future research Framework Programmes

  1. (a) Information from the Commission
  2. (b) Information from the Presidency
  3. (c) Exchange of views
  4. (d) Approval of the Council conclusions
12370/99 RECH 105 ATO 102 + COR 1 (d) 5. European space strategy adoption of a Council Resolution 9125/99 RECH 80 ECO 226 TRANS 144 6. Waste management and decommissioning of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) installations approval of Council conclusions 11269/99 RECH 98 ATO 93 + COR 1 (fi) + COR 2 (s) 7. Additional research programme for the high-flux reactor (HFR) at Petten (2000–03) 8. Other business ASEM Ministerial Conference, 14 and 15 October 1999: information from the Presidency and the Commission Possible "A" items: Adoption of Council Decisions concerning:
  • the conclusion of a scientific and technological co-operation agreement with Argentina
  • the conclusion of a scientific and technological co-operation agreement with China
  • the conclusion of a scientific and technological co-operation agreement with Russia
2 December—Brussels—Justice and Home Affairs Council 1. Adoption of the Agenda 2. Approval of the list of "A" items 3. Tampere follow-up: Information on the state of preparation of the 'Scoreboard' 4. Draft Convention on mutual assistance in criminal matters between the member states of the European Union doc. 13451/99 COPEN 60 5. Draft Framework Decision on increasing protection by penal sanctions against counterfeiting in connection with the introduction of the euro doc. 13450/99 DROIPEN 21 6. Initiative for a Council Regulation on insolvency proceedings doc. 13465/99 JUSTCIV 177 MI 120 7. Proposal for a Council Regulation on the Service in the member states of judicial and extra-judicial documents in civil or commercial matters docs 13466/99 JUSTCIV 178 8671/99 JUSTCIV 81 8. Organised crime:
  1. (a) The Prevention and Control of Organised Crime: A European Union Strategy for the beginning of the new Millennium—oral report
  2. (b) 1998 EU Organised Crime Situation Report—oral report
9. Eurodac—Regulation on comparison of fingerprints of asylum applicants and certain other aliens doc. 13408/99 EURODAC 24 10. Draft negotiation mandate on Dublin parallel agreement with Norway and Iceland adoption1 doc. 13407/99 ASILE 42 11. Admission: Commission proposal on family reunification Presentation by the Commission 12. Council Decision concerning the UK application to participate in some of the provisions of the Schengen acquis1 doc. 11177/4/99 SCHENGEN 74 REV 4 13. Europol: Future activities of Europol after Tampere European Council Information from the Presidency 14. Adoption of the decisions discussed in the Mixed Committee at Ministerial level (after the Mixed Committee meeting)1 15. Proposal for a directive on electronic commerce—criminal law aspects: Information by the Swedish delegation doc. 13309/99 JAI 103 MI 119 16. Measures to combat child sex tourism doc. 12629/99 JEUN 65 TOUR 10 JAI 96 17. Any Other Business 6–7 December—Brussels—General Affairs Council Adoption of the provisional agenda Approval of the list of "A" items Horizontal issues Resolutions, decisions and opinions adopted by the European Parliament at its part-sessions in Brussels on 3–4 November 1999 and Strasbourg on 15–19 November 1999 Preparation of the Helsinki European Council (10–11 December 1999) Overall co-ordination Common strategies European Security and Defence Policy: Presidency reports on military and non-military aspects of crisis management Enlargement Presidency report on the Intergovernmental Conference An effective Council for an enlarged Union Draft Statute for MEPs EP electoral procedure External relations Negotiations for a development partnership agreement with the ACP states = Financial allocation for the 9th European Development Fund = Trade co-operation Indonesia Transatlantic Relations Western Balkans Items likely to become "A" items Enlargement Adoption of EU common position with a view to the Accession Conferences with Cyprus, Hungary, Poland, Estonia, the Czech Republic and Slovenia at Ministerial level on 7 December 1999 Association with Hungary Establishment of the EU position for the 6th Association Council meeting on 7 December 1999 Association with Poland Establishment of the EU position for the 6th Association Council meeting on 7 December 1999 Association with the Czech Republic Establishment of the EU position for the 5th Association Council meeting on 7 December 1999 Arms destruction: joint action (Russian Strategy) TACIS: adoption of new regulation 6–7 December—Brussels—Internal Market Council Strategy for the Internal Market Presentation by the Commission—Exchange of views Joint Work Programme of the Three Presidencies (FIN, P, F) Progress report—Exchange of views Scoreboard (new version) Presentation by the Commission—Exchange of views SLIM Initiative—phase IV Presentation by the Commission—Exchange of views Mutual recognition of diplomas (SLIM Directive)—Political agreement Copyright in the information society—Progress report Directive on legal aspects of electronic commerce—Political agreement Resale right—Political agreement Take-over bids—Political agreement Community Customs Code—Political agreement Directive on distance selling of financial services—Political agreement Parallel imports/Exhaustion of trade mark rights—Oral report Public Procurement—Progress report by the Commission (possible) Buses and coaches—Political agreement Revision of chemical product policy—Presentation by the Commission Follow-up to the Council Resolution on Standardisation Vertical Directives on foodstuffs Sugars Preserved milk (possible) fruit juices—Political agreement (possible) Regulation on data protection within EU institutions Progress report Any Other Business 7 December—Brussels—Accession Conferences with Cyprus, Hungary, Poland, Estonia, the Czech Republic and Slovenia No formal agenda 7 December—Brussels—Association Councils with the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland No agenda yet available 7–8 December—Brussels—3rd EU-ACP Ministerial Conference No formal agenda 9–10 December—Luxembourg—Transport Council
  1. 1. Adoption of draft agenda
  2. 2. Approval of "A" points
Maritime transport 3. Short Sea Shipping—Commission Communication Council Conclusions/Resolution Horizontal issues 4. Intermodality and intermodal freight transport Commission Communication Council conclusions Land transport 5. Railways (a) Rail infrastructure package1—Common position (b) Rail interoperability—Commission Communication and draft directive Debate (c) Alleviation of rail bottlenecks Commission presentation and exchange of views 6. Working time in road transport Commission report and debate Air transport 7. Aviation noise: short and long-term problems Briefing by Commission and/or (possible) draft regulation/Debate 8. EASA—Debate 9. (possible) Agreement with (CEECs) Exchange of views/progress report 10. Agreement with Cyprus1—Adoption of negotiating mandate 11. Air traffic delays—Commission Communication Commission presentation 12. Galileo—negotiations with US and Russia Commission progress report 13A. Ferry Manning: economic impact of draft directive Commission working paper—Commission presentation 13B. Transport and Environment (TERM)—Commission report on indicators Commission presentation 13C. Innovation forum—Commission presentation 13D.Eurocontrol—Community accession Commission progress report 13E. EU/US dialogue on aviation Commission information on Chicago Conference 13F. Air transport and the environment—Commission Communication Commission presentation 10–11 December—Helsinki—European Council No formal agenda 13 December—Brussels—ECOFIN Council No agenda yet available 13–14 December—Brussels—Environment Council 1. Adoption of the agenda 2. (possible) Approval of the "A" list items 3. Proposal for a Council Recommendation providing for minimum criteria for environmental inspections in the member states1 (Legal basis proposed by the Commission: Art. 175(1)) Common position 5086/99 ENV 1 PRO-COOP 1 4. Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 88/609/EEC on the limitation of emissions of certain pollutants into the air from large combustion plants1 (Legal basis proposed by the Commission: Art. 175(1)) Common position 10916/98 ENV 364 PRO-COOP 144 5. Amended proposal for a Council Directive on assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment1 (Legal basis proposed by the Commission: Art. 175(1)) Common position 7093/97 ENV 104 PRO-COOP 32 6333/99 ENV 59 PRO-COOP 40 6. Proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council relating to limit values for benzene and carbon monoxide in ambient air1 (Legal basis proposed by the Commission: Art. 175(1)) Common position 5518/99 ENV 14 PRO-COOP 10 7. International negotiations concerning the Protocol on biosafety Council conclusions 8. Overall assessment of the Fifth Action Programme and environmental sectoral indicators Presentation by the Commission and exchange of views 9. Proposal for a Directive of the European parliament and of the Council on national emission ceilings for certain atmospheric pollutants, and Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and the Council relating to ozone in ambient air Progress report 10232/99 ENV 262 CODEC 425 10. The Commission's work programme for 2000 Briefing by the Commission 11. Community strategy on chemical products Progress report from the Commission 12. Other business (a) Brominated flame retardants request by the Danish and Swedish delegations (b) "Car-free day" event briefing by the French delegation

Date Venue Event
December 1999
29 November-3 December Seattle WTO Ministerial Conference
1–2 Brussels European Parliament Plenary
2 Brussels Energy Council
2 Brussels Research Council
2 Brussels Justice and Home Affairs Council
6–7 Brussels General Affairs Council
6–7 Brussels Internal Market Council
7 Brussels Accession Conferences with Cyprus, Hungary, Poland, Estonia, the Czech Republic and Slovenia
7 Brussels Association Councils with the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland
7–8 Brussels 3rd EU-ACP Ministerial Conference
9–10 Luxembourg Transport Council
10–11 Helsinki European Council
13 Brussels ECOFIN Council
13–14 Brussels Environment Council
13–17 Strasbourg European Parliament Plenary
14–15 Brussels Agriculture Council
14–16 Brussels Ministerial Conference on Follow-up of Progress on UN Beijing Platform for Action
16–17 Brussels Fisheries Council

(c) (possible) Situation of the SAVE and ALTENER programmes statement by the Spanish delegation 13–17 December—Strasbourg—European Parliament Plenary No agenda yet available 14–15 December—Brussels—Agriculture Council No agenda yet available 14–16 December—Brussels—Ministerial Conference on Follow-up of Progress on UN Beijing Platform for Action No formal agenda 16–17 December—Brussels—Fisheries Council 1. Adoption of the Agenda 2. Approval of the list of "A" items 3. Proposal for a Council Regulation fixing for 2000 the fishing opportunities and associated conditions for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks, applicable in Community waters and, for Community vessels, in other waters where limitations in catch are required1 Legal basis: Article 8(4) of Reg. (EEC) no. 3760/92 Adoption 4. (possible) Morocco: future fisheries relations State of play by Commission 5. Proposal for a Council Regulation laying down certain control measures applicable in the area covered by the Convention on Future Multilateral Co-operation in the North-East Atlantic Fisheries1 Legal basis: Article 37 of the Treaty Adoption Doc. 10074/99 PECHE 144 6. (possible) Proposal for a Council Regulation amending for the fifth time Regulation (EC) no. 850/98 for the conservation of fishery resources through technical measures for the protection of juveniles of marine organisms (sandeels) 7. Any other Business (possible) Regional meetings Presentation of the Communication by the Commission Organisation of future work 1 Items on which a vote may be requested European Calendar: December 1999-May 2000 This calendar is primarily concerned with European Union matters, but certain other relevant events are also included. Events and dates quoted are based on the information available on the date of issue.

Date Venue Event
January 2000
14 Brussels Fisheries Council (possible)
17–21 Strasbourg European Parliament Plenary
18 Brussels Budget Council (possible)
24–25 Brussels General Affairs Council
24–25 Brussels Agriculture Council
28–29 Lisbon Development Ministers (Informal)
31 Brussels ECOFIN Council
February 2000
2–3 Brussels European Parliament Plenary
11–12 Lisbon Social Affairs Council (Informal)
14–15 Brussels General Affairs Council
14–18 Strasbourg European Parliament Plenary
21–22 Brussels Agriculture Council
21–22 Vilamoura San Jose Meeting
23–24 Vilamoura Rio Group Meeting
28 Brussels ECOFIN Council
March 2000
1–2 Brussels European Parliament Plenary
3–1 Lisbon Justice and Home Affairs Council (Informal)
13 Brussels Joint Social Affairs and ECOFIN Council
13–17 Strasbourg European Parliament Plenary
16 Brussels Internal Market Council
20–21 Brussels General Affairs Council
20–21 Brussels Agriculture Council
23–24 Lisbon Special European Council
27 Brussels Justice and Home Affairs Council
28 Brussels Transport Council
29–30 Brussels European Parliament Plenary
30 Brussels Environment Council
April 2000
3 Luxembourg Fisheries Council
3–4 Cairo EU-Africa Summit
4 Luxembourg Social Affairs Council
7–8 Lisbon ECOFIN Council (Informal)
10–11 Luxembourg General Affairs Council
10–14 Strasbourg European Parliament Plenary
13 Luxembourg Consumer Affairs Council
15–16 Oporto Environment Council (Informal)
17–18 Luxembourg Agriculture Council
May 2000
2 Brussels ECOFIN Council
2 Brussels Telecommunications Council
3–4 Brussels European Parliament Plenary
5–7 San Miguel, Azores Informal Meeting of Foreign Ministers
11 Brussels Health Council
15–16 Brussels Agriculture Council
15–19 Strasbourg European Parliament Plenary
16 Brussels Culture Council
18 Brussels Industry Council
18 Brussels Development Council
22–23 Brussels General Affairs Council
25 Brussels Internal Market Council
28–30 Evora Agriculture Council (Informal)
29–30 Brussels Justice and Home Affairs Council
30 Brussels Energy Council

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