HL Deb 29 April 1999 vol 600 cc56-7WA
Lord Phillips of Sudbury

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will give legal staff in government service the opportunity to undertake pro bona work during the course of their employment; and whether they will take into account the pro bone activities of firms of solicitor; in the private sector when selecting between them for government work. [HL2026]

The Lord Chancellor

The Government encourage any member of the Government Legal Service who wishes to participate inpro bona work, in their own time, to do so. That support has already been made clear in another place. Government lawyers are public servants who are paid to advise the Government. When participating in pro bona work, they remain bound by the requirements of the Civil Service Code and the Civil Service Management Code.

When selecting a firm of solicitors for government work, government departments follow public purchasing policy and reach a decision based on value for money. They will measure expertise and delivery against cost.

The nature and ex tent of pro bone activities of firms of solicitors in the private sector may be relevant to the expertise they profess, and, if so, the Government will take that into account when selecting among them for government work.