HL Deb 28 April 1999 vol 600 c33WA
Lord Judd

asked Her Majesty's Government:

In view of their commitment to ensure that Kosovo refugees should be able to return home in security, what arrangements are being made to ensure the availability of all the necessary financial, material and human resources for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of Kosovo; and what arrangements are being made to ensure that these measures will be effectively applied within Kosovo itself. [HL2051]

Baroness Amos

My right honourable friend the Secretary of State for International Development chaired a meeting on 22 April of representatives of US, French, German and Italian development ministries to begin preparatory planning for refugees to return home in security and for the future rehabilitation and reconstruction of Kosovo. There was general agreement on specific issues, notably: an early involvement of Kosovar people in the planning and implementation phases, clear roles for and full preparation by the key agencies, strong links between military and civilian agencies. The countries that attended this meeting will continue to work together, involving other countries and organisations, to take the planning process forward. The UK has prepared a paper on conditions for refugee return drawing on the discussions of this meeting. Copies will be made widely available to interested parties, including Kosovar refugees in the region. A copy will be placed in the Library of the House.

Lord Judd

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What action is being taken to meet the educational needs at all levels of young Kosovo refugees. [HL2053]

Baroness Amos

We recognise that it is vital to meet the educational needs of the young Kosovar refugees, and to help them reintegrate into the formal school system on return. The Department for International Development's programme of assistance for the refugees includes funding for education projects: we have, for example, contributed £300,000 to the Save the Children Fund's appeal, which includes plans for non-formal education activities in Macedonia and Albania.