HL Deb 27 April 1999 vol 600 cc20-1WA
Lord Dholakia

asked Her Majesty's Government:

When they will implement the recommendations of the Prisons and Probation Inspectorates to reduce unnecessary delays in the release of life sentence prisoners. [HL1976]

Lord Williams of Mostyn

The joint thematic report on "lifers" by the Inspectorates of Prisons and Probation has recommended that the Prison Service should ensure that it is possible for life sentenced prisoners to address their areas of concern and for suitable prisoners to be prepared for release within the timescale of their tariff (the punitive element of the life sentence). This objective is entirely shared by Ministers and the Prison Service, and the steering group which has been established to take forward the report's recommendations will be examining ways in which the objective can be met in more cases without jeopardising the safety of the public. The steering group has been tasked to complete its work by the end of December 1999.

Lord Dholakia

asked Her Majesty' s Government:

Whether they will publish the number of life sentence prisoners for the past three years who were held in prison after their tariff dates for release. [HL1977]

Lord Williams of Mostyn

A life sentenced prisoner may be released after serving the punitive element of the sentence (the "tariff") only if he or she is considered no longer to present a potential risk to the public. Those who are judged to remain a risk at that point continue to be detained, sometimes for many years; but for those who are considered an acceptable risk, the aim is to ensure that they are released on or as close to tariff expiry as possible. The extent to which this has been achieved during the last three years is shown in the table.

Of those released during 1998–99, in addition to the 42 (41 per cent.) who were released within 12 months of tariff expiry, 24 (a further 23 per cent.) were released within two years of that point. The accelerated procedures for conducting Parole Board reviews announced by my right honourable friend the Home Secretary on 9 July 1998, Official Report, col.149–50, will in due course enable prisoners in this category to be released 12 months earlier. The Prison Service is looking at other ways of allowing more lifers to be safely released on or shortly after tariff without jeopardising the safety of the public.

Release of Life Sentenced Prisoners in Relation to Tariff Expiry
Release in relation to tariff expiry No. released: April 1996—March 1997 No. released: April 1997—April 1998 No. released: March 1998 March 1999
On tariff expiry 2 (2%) 1 (1%) 0
Within 3 months 10 (11%) 3 (3%) 15 (14.5 %)
Within 6 months 9 (9%) 5 (4%) 12 (12%)
Within 12 months 16 (17%) 23 (21%) 15 (14.5%)
Over 12 months 58 (61%) 77 (71%) 61 (59%)
Total 95 109 103