HL Deb 27 April 1999 vol 600 c27WA
Lord Sefton of Garston

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will publish a map showing the local authorities which will benefit from Objective 1 European Union Structural Fund status recently agreed in Berlin. [HL2057]

Lord Simon of Highbury

The Government will not be publishing a map in the immediate future showing the local authorities which will benefit from Objective 1 European Union Structural Fund from the year 2000 to 2006. The map that is eventually published will show the Objective 1 and 2 areas at a higher level, i. e. using county boundaries. Local authorities are measured at NUTS IV. A structural fund map showing NUTS IV (unitary authority) and NUTS V level (ward) would be far too detailed to be comprehensible. However, in the meantime this information can be obtained from the Office of National Statistics press release dated 29 June 1998 on new NUTS areas in the UK.