HC Deb 23 April 1999 vol 329 c728W
Mr. Wigley

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what discussions(a) Ministers and (b) officials from his Department have held with (i) the Scottish Office and (ii) the Welsh Office on the drawing up of a concordat governing arrangements by which the (1) Scottish Parliament, (2) National Assembly for Wales and (3) Northern Ireland Assembly may make representations to overseas Governments. [81893]

Mr. Robin Cook

The UK Government will continue to be responsible for international relations after devolution. We recognise that there will be areas within their devolved responsibilities in which the devolved administrations will none the less have interests involving other countries. FCO officials have worked with officials of the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland Offices on draft Concordats on international relations which will be put to the devolved administration when they take office. Ministers have been kept fully informed of the progress of these discussions.

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