HC Deb 19 April 1999 vol 329 c410W
Mr. Menzies Campbell

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions what advice he has received from (i) English Nature and (ii) other agencies regarding the cull of the Ruddy Duck; what advice he has received as to the cost of the cull; if he has put the contract for the cull out to tender; and what plans he has to take powers of compulsory access to enforce the cull. [80796]

Mr. Meacher

In July 1998, I set up a Task Force to advise on the action required in the United Kingdom to conserve the globally threatened white-headed duck. This Task Force included representation from English Nature, other conservation agencies and non-Governmental organisations. In January this year I accepted the recommendations of the Task Force that a control trial should be undertaken to test the feasibility of eradicating the UK's population of ruddy duck.

The cost of the control trial is approximately £800,000 over 4 financial years. The Central Science Laboratory has been contracted to undertake the work. An assessment of whether or not compulsory access would be required to ensure success in any future eradication programme is a key objective of the control trial.

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