HC Deb 13 April 1999 vol 329 cc208-10W
Mr. Swinney

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what proportion of the structural funds in each year since 1974 were(a) allocated for cover to the Scottish Office DEL and its previous equivalents through the Scottish Block arrangement; and (b) applied using specially negotiated agreements; and for those years where specially negotiated agreements were reached if he will list (i) that amount allocated for cover to the DEL and its previous equivalents under these agreements and (ii) the proportion this represented of the total structural fund cover. [80090]

Mr. Macdonald

Public expenditure provision for all European Regional Development Fund or Social Fund expenditure for which the Scottish Office was responsible in the period since 1974 has been within the Scottish Office DEL and its previous equivalents. There have been no "specially negotiated agreements" covering the application for European Regional Development Fund or European Social Fund receipts.

From 1 July 1999, the administration of European Structural Funds will be the responsibility of the Scottish Administration.

Mr. Swinney

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will list (i) the total European structural fund allocation to Scotland in each year since 1974 in cash and real terms and (ii) the share of the overall UK structural fund allocation that this amount represented in each year. [80089]

Mr. Macdonald

The information is set out in the table.

For the period 1975 to 1988, the European Commission approved individual European Regional Development Fund projects and it is the value of the award of these projects which is recorded. The figures for the years 1989 to 1999 reflect the programme allocation from the Commission.

Million euro
European structural funds allocation to Scotland Share of UK structural funds allocation
Year Cash Real terms Percentage
1975 17.900 82.321 28
1976 24.150 97.716 25.4
1977 22.950 81.740 25
1978 37.750 121.039 24.8
1979 58.900 161.714 22.5
1980 46.760 108.571 16.9
1981 127,400 270.144 36.6
1982 129.600 257.004 28
1983 143.640 272.231 31.2
1984 174.070 313.427 27
1985 117.300 200.625 19.2
1986 126.000 208.993 22.5
1987 131.130 206.492 20.6
1988 143.450 211.558 24
1989 101.320 139.446 23.7
1990 130.945 167.128 12.3
1991 207.038 248.230 14.5
1992 141.505 164.547 8.2
1993 156.337 177.196 9.9
1994 140.023 156.148 7.2
1995 223.566 241.333 10.4
1996 256.897 269.352 11.2
1997 315.269 333.872 13.4
1998 575.323 583.221 23.3
1999 402.907 408.713 15.2


1. For the period 1975 to 1989, the figures are exclusively ERDF.

2. The years 1990 to 1999 include ERDF and ESF, as well as EAGGF and FIFG which are in the Objective 1 and 5b Programmes.

3. From 1990 to 1993, ESF was the responsibility of the Secretary of State for Education and Employment (formerly the Secretary of State for Employment). Before 1990, ESF was administered by the European Commission and Scottish figures are not available.

4. The figures have been converted to current prices using HM Treasury deflator tables dated 22 December 1998.

Table 1: Current expenditure by education authorities on school books and equipment
£000 at outturn prices
1992–93 1993–94 1994–95 1995–96
Region Books and equipment (of which books) Books and equipment (of which books) Books and equipment (of which books) Books and equipment (of which books)
Borders 1,351 216 1,373 213 1,582 0 1,470 0
Central 2,931 100 2,897 125 2,793 60 2,733 62
Dumfries and Galloway 2,198 260 2,577 295 2,533 317 2,284 261
Fife 2,739 540 2,795 2,136 2,730 2,094 3,294 2,412
Grampian 6,458 0 6,972 0 7,158 0 7,630 0
Highland 3,141 3,141 2,786 2,786 2,885 1,491 2,633 1,481
Lothian 5,371 1,350 5,671 1,352 6,676 1,585 7,594 1,691
Strathclyde 21,449 5,548 20,059 1,118 21,932 1,191 26,133 1,117
Tayside 3,581 608 4,545 670 4,026 676 3,569 656
Orkney 166 50 152 0 284 0 290 0
Shetland 471 135 678 119 534 0 511 0
Western Isles 549 91 525 99 633 242 595 192
Scotland 50,405 12,039 51,030 8,913 53,766 7,656 58,736 7,872


  1. 1. The books and equipment figures include expenditure on text and library books and educational tools equipment and materials in local authority nursery, primary, secondary and special schools.
  2. 2. Where expenditure on books is shown as £0 it should be assumed that the expenditure is included as equipment.

From 1 July 1999, the administration of European Structural Funds will be the responsibility of the Scottish Administration.