HL Deb 03 September 1998 vol 593 cc55-8WA
Lord Ewing of Kirkford

asked Her Majesty's Government:

How many applications were received during the course of 1998 from charities requesting the use of the Great Hall at Edinburgh Castle to hold a fund-raising charity event. [HL3111]

Lord Sewel

Since 1 January 1998 requests have been received from five charities seeking approval to use the Great Hall at Edinburgh Castle. Two of these applications relate to this financial year and three relate to 1999–2000.

Lord Ewing of Kirkford

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will publish in the Official Report a list of the charities granted the use of the Great Hall of Edinburgh Castle to hold a fund-raising event; together with the dates of the events. [HL3112]

Lord Sewel

The information requested is provided in the following table:

Organisation Date of function
Shelter 3 March 1997
Riding for the Disabled 10 October 1997
Leukaemia and Cancer Children's Fund 17 October 1997
Edinburgh International Festival 6 November 1997
Barnardo's 27 November 1997
British Heart Foundation 28 November 1997
Scottish Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 15 May 1998
Leonard Cheshire Foundation Date to be arranged
Carers National Association Date to be arranged
The Royal Blind Asylum and School Date to be arranged
Cancer Research Campaign, Scotland Date to be arranged
Marie Curie Cancer Care Date to be arranged

Lord Ewing of Kirkford

asked Her Majesty's Government:

On what date each successful applicant for the use of the Great Hall of Edinburgh Castle submitted its application to hold a fund-raising event for charity; and on what date they were advised that their application had been granted. [HL3113]

Lord Sewel

The information requested is provided in the following table:

Organisation Date of application Date of approval
Shelter 18 November 1996 6 February 1997
Riding for the Disabled 3 December 1996 17 March 1997
Leukaemia and Cancer Children's Fund 27 January 1997 17 March 1997
Edinburgh International Festival 13 January 1997 21 March 1997
Barnardo's 26 February 1997 17 March 1997
British Heart Foundation 2 December 1996 17 March 1997
Leonard Cheshire 20 December 1996 17 March 1997
The Royal Blind Asylum and School 11 March 1997 17 March 1997
Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 16 December 1996 17 March 1997
Cancer Research Campaign, Scotland 19 January 1997 17 March 1997
Carers National Association 3 April 1997 22 July 1998
Marie Curie Cancer Care 8 May 1998 22 July 1998

Lord Ewing of Kirkford

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will publish in the Official Report a list of organisations whose application to have the use of the Great Hall of Edinburgh Castle to hold a fund-raising event for charity was refused. [HL3114]

Lord Sewel

Those organisations which made an application which on that occasion was unsuccessful are:

  • YMCA Scotland
  • The People's Dispensary for Sick Animals
  • Birdlife International
  • Strathallan School
  • Marie Curie Cancer Care
  • The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
  • Tenovus Scotland
  • National Art Collection Fund
  • Brahmar Kumaris
  • Scottish Adoption Association
  • St. Columba's Hospice
  • National Meningitis Fund
  • Children in Scotland
  • Edinburgh Sick Children's NHS Trust

Lord Ewing of Kirkford

asked Her Majesty's Government:

On what date each unsuccessful applicant for the use of the Great hall of Edinburgh Castle submitted its application to hold a fund-raising event for charity; and on what date they were advised that their application had been refused. [HL3115]

Lord Sewel

The information requested is provided in the following table:

Organisation Date of application Date of refusal
YMCA Scotland 14 January 1997 14 March 1997
The People's Dispensary for Sick Animals 23 January 1997 14 March 1997
Birdlife International 4 February 1997 14 March 1997
Strathallan School 21 February 1997 17 March 1997
Marie Curie Cancer Care 27 February 1997 17 March 1997
The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society 28 February 1997 25 March 1997
Tenovus Scotland 5 May 1997 22 July 1998
National Art Collection 29 July 1997 22 July 1998
Brahmar Kumaras 14 September 1997 22 July 1998
Scottish Adoption Society 31 October 1997 22 July 1998
St. Columba's Hospice 6 November 1997 22 July 1998
National Meningitis Fund 18 November 1997 22 July 1998
Children in Scotland 28 November 1997 22 July 1998
Edinburgh Sick Childrens NHS Trust 25 May 1998 22 July 1998

Lord Ewing of Kirkford

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What criterion is applied in deciding which organisations should be granted the use of the Great Hall of Edinburgh Castle to hold a fund-raising event for charity and which others should be refused. [HL3116]

Lord Sewel

When the scheme was introduced by my right honourable friend's predecessor in the autumn of 1996 it was made clear that the number of events would be restricted to six per year and that it would be limited to registered charities. The purpose of the scheme is to enable national charities to hold evening events in the prestigious setting of Edinburgh Castle. The events may be to mark some noteworthy anniversary or achievement and should be in keeping with the historical importance and dignity of the castle. Demand has been heavy and very difficult choices have therefore had to be made. In making decisions on applications, the aim has been to achieve a balance across the broad range of national charitable activity in Scotland. There are inevitably a number of organisations which do worthwhile and much needed work which have been unsuccessful and I recognise that they will be disappointed.