HC Deb 22 October 1998 vol 317 cc1207-9W
Mr. Andrew George

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) which (i) communities and (ii) organisations in(a) Scotland, (b) Cornwall, (c) Wales, (d) Northern Ireland, (e) elsewhere in the United Kingdom, (f) Isle of Man and (g) the Channel Islands, have been invited to submit evidence to the Government in preparation for its report to the Council of Europe on progress made by the United Kingdom under the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities; [55447]

(2) what measures he has taken to ensure that national minorities are able to submit comments on the Government's report to the Council of Europe on progress made by the United Kingdom since ratifying the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. [55448]

Mr. Mike O'Brien

We have written to the organisations listed to seek their views on the issues which might be covered in the United Kingdom's report and intend to consult them once the report has been drafted:

  • Commission for Racial Equality
  • The Runnymede Trust
  • Churches Commission for Racial Justice
  • West Indian Standing Conference
  • National Council of Hindu Temples
  • The Sikh Council for Inter-Faith Relations
  • Board of Deputies of British Jews
  • Joint Council for Anglo-Caribbean Churches
  • Union Muslim Organisations
  • The Sikh Forum (UK)
  • Anti-Racist Alliance
  • 1990 Trust
  • The Muslim College
  • Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants
  • Black Jewish Forum
  • Interfaith Network
  • Society of Black Lawyers
  • Al-Khoei Foundation
  • Inner Cities Religious Council
  • Muslim Council of Great Britain
  • Justice
  • Liberty
  • Standing Advisory Commission on Human Rights (SACHR)
  • SIA
  • Institute of Race Relations
  • Chinese Community in Britain
  • The African and Caribbean Finance Forum
  • Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Antisemitism
  • Policy Studies Institute
  • Greater Sylhet Development and Welfare Council in the United Kingdom
  • The Consortium of Bengali Associations
  • Northern Ireland Council of Ethnic Minorities
  • CAJ, Belfast
  • African Caribbean Leadership
  • Commission for Racial Equality (NI)
  • Belfast Travellers Education and Development Group
  • The Islamic Foundation
  • Minority Rights Group
  • Confederation of Indian Organisations
  • Charter 88 Ltd.
  • Society of Asian Lawyers
  • Central Scotland Racial Equality Council
  • Fife Racial Equality Council
  • Grampian Racial Equality Council
  • Lothian Racial Equality Council
  • Tayside Community Relations Council
  • West of Scotland Community Relations Council
  • Commission for Racial Equality, Scotland Office
  • SCVO Race Equality Development Unit
  • Common na Gaidhlig
  • Welsh Development Agency
  • Development Board for Rural Wales
  • Wales Tourist Board
  • Cardiff Bay Development Corporation
  • Land Authority for Wales
  • National Museums and Galleries of Wales
  • National Library of Wales
  • 1209
  • Sports Council for Wales
  • Welsh Language Board
  • Bwrdd yr laith Gymraeg
  • Arts Council of Wales
  • Tai Cymru
  • Countryside Council for Wales
  • Qualification, Curriculum and Assessment Authority for Wales
  • Residuary Body for Wales
  • Welsh National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting
  • Royal Commission on Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales
  • Further Education Funding Council for Wales
  • Higher Education Funding Council for Wales
  • Members of the Race Relations Forum

Mr. Andrew George

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) what definitions are used of(a) culture, (b) ethnic and (c) ethnicity in his Department's work to support its ratification of the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities; [55446]

(2) which groups are currently under consideration for acceptance by his Department as a National Minority in addition to those national minorities already recognised by his Department as existing within the United Kingdom under the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities; [55449]

(3) which national minorities his Department has identified within the United Kingdom for the purposes of its ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. [55450]

Mr. Mike O'Brien

"National Minority" is not a legally defined term within the United Kingdom. For the purposes of the Convention, our report will be based on the definition of racial group as set out in the Race Relations Act 1976. This defines a racial group asa group of persons defined by colour, race, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origins".

Mr. Andrew George

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what timetable he has set for the consultation and report on progress made by the United Kingdom since the ratification of the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. [55445]

Mr. Mike O'Brien

We are due to report on progress under the Convention by May 1999. To meet this deadline, we have invited interested parties to suggest issues which might be included in our report and will consult them early next year on a draft.