HL Deb 20 October 1998 vol 593 c146WA
Baroness Gould

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What were Remploy's achievements against the targets set in its 1997–98 annual performance agreement. [HL3464]

The Minister of State, Department for Education and Employment (Baroness Blackstone)

Now that Remploy has published its report and accounts for 1998 and audited figures are available, I am delighted to confirm that Remploy has exceeded its 1997–98 APA targets. The targets and achievements were:

Target Achievement
The average number of disabled people employed by Remploy at least 9,800 10,021
Average number of disabled people employed under the Interwork Scheme at least 3,000 3,123
The number of disabled employees to move from Remploy factories to Interwork having been employed there for at least one year, or from Interwork or factories to open employment at least 200 225
Remploy will keep within a unit cost target (operating deficit per disabled worker) of: £10,000 £9,726
The unit cost of Interwork to be no more than: £4,400 £4,226
Remploy to keep within an operating deficit (including reorganisation costs) of: £99 million £99 million

Copies of Remploy's 1998 Annual Report and Accounts have been placed in the Library.