HL Deb 15 October 1998 vol 593 cc123-4WA
Lord Clement-Jones

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What work is being carried out by the Department of Health with NHS Direct pilot areas to agree common standards and protocols for the operation of the service in different areas; when it is envisaged that such protocols and standards will be applied; and what monitoring and performance review processes will be put in place and by when. [HL3369]

Baroness Hayman

The Department of Health is currently working on a set of national standards and protocols for theNHS Direct service. These will be published early in the year 2000 in good time for national roll-out at the end of that year.

The National Health Service Executive Regional Offices are responsible for the performance management of NHS Direct providers. A national approach to performance management will be put in place alongside the development of national standards.

Lord Clement-Jones

asked Her Majesty's Government:

When the results of the evaluation of the NHS Direct pilot schemes will be made publicly available. [HL3370]

Baroness Hayman

The Medical Research Unit at Sheffield University is undertaking an independent evaluation of the first wave pilot areas ofNHS Direct. It will be presenting an interim report to the Department of Health in December of this year and its final report in the autumn of 1999. We plan to publish the findings from both reports.