HL Deb 12 October 1998 vol 593 cc91-2WA
Lord Judd

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they have studied the publication Hungry Housing produced by the Council for the Protection of Rural England; what conclusions they have drawn; and what action they are consequently promoting. [HL3320]

Lord Whitty

The Government share the CPRE's wish to promote more sustainable development as set out in their publication,Hungry Housing. The Government have set a national target that, within 10 years, 60 per cent. of new homes should be built on previously developed land. We are revising planning policy guidance on housing and transport with the aims of making better use of land resources and encouraging less dependence on car usage. We have consulted widely in advance of publishing a revised Sustainable Development Strategy and our consultation has specifically addressed the need for more sustainable construction. We have also recently issued a consultation document about the continued conservation of our most important wildlife sites. These are only some of the measures which the Government have taken which address the CPRE's concerns.