HL Deb 08 October 1998 vol 593 c88WA
Lord Morris of Manchester

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What is the position with respect to derogations under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive in Scotland. [HL3376]

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Scottish Office (Lord Sewel)

The Government have decided to withdraw the designation of 12 High Natural Dispersion Areas around the Scottish Coast as set out in the table below. This means that water authorities will provide secondary treatment at all discharges in these locations for population equivalents of greater than 10,000. This is a major step towards improving the quality of Scottish coastal waters and beaches.

As part of this, the Government have also decided to withdraw the derogation request for the Aberdeen discharge under Article 8.5 of the Directive. It has become apparent that it would be more appropriate for the North of Scotland Water Authority to provide secondary treatment at Aberdeen. This is a significant move towards further improving the quality of North Sea waters and the decision will also ensure that the project can be commissioned in sufficient time to meet the Directive's deadlines.

List of high natural dispersion areas to be withdrawn
Water authority area Name of designation
East Firth of Forth—Coastal
East Firth of Forth—Estuary
East Firth of Tay
North Angus Coast—South
North Angus Coast—North
North Kincardine Coast
North Peterhead Coast
North Fraserburgh Coast
North Banff Coast
North Buckie Coast
North Moray Firth
West Clyde Coast (Irvine/Ayr Bays)