§ Mrs. GilroyTo ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list the forthcoming business in the Council of the European Union for December and the major European Union events for the next six months. [62009]
§ Ms QuinThe information is as follows:
Forecast of business Business December 1998 1 Brussels Transport Council (continuation from 30 November) 1 Brussels ECOFIN Council 1–2 Brussels Social Affairs Council 1 Brussels Joint meeting of the ESA and ECOFIN Councils 3–4 Brussels Justice and Home Affairs Council 4 Brussels Education Council 7 Brussels Internal Market Council 7–8 Brussels General Affairs Council 10 Brussels Research Council 11–12 Vienna European Council 14–16 Brussels Agriculture Council 17–18 Brussels Fisheries Council 21 Brussels Environment Council The following subjects are likely to be discussed:
December 1: ECOFIN Council
- Employment
- Preparation for Stage 3 of EMU
- Follow-up to the declaration of 2 May
- Stability and convergence programmes
- Agenda 2000
- Taxes
December 1: Joint meeting of the Social Affairs and ECOFIN Councils
- Report from the Presidency
- Commission first draft of the 1999 Employment Guidelines (debate)
- Joint report on Employment 1998 (adoption)
December 1 and 2: Social Affairs Council
- Report from the Presidency on the preparation of the European Council (Vienna)
- Commission first draft of the 1999 Employment Guidelines
- Joint Report on Employment 1998 (debate)
- Employment Rates Report
- Draft Council Directive on employee involvement within the European Company—political agreement
- Follow-up to the Beijing Conference on Women (the Council will take note of the annual Report)
- Second phase of the Community vocational training programme Leonardo Da Vinci (legal basis: Article 127) (oral report from the Presidency)
- Extension of 1408/71 (students and other insured persons) (political agreement)
- Amended proposal for a Directive on the protection of workers potentially at risk from explosive atmospheres (legal basis: Article 118 A) (political agreement)
- Proposal for a Council Decision relating to the Conclusion of an agreement between the EC and the Council of Europe (European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia) (legal basis: Article 7(3) of Council Regulation No. 1035/97) (political agreement)
- Amended proposal for a Council Directive amending for the second time Directive 90/394/EEC on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to carcinogens at work (legal basis: Article 118 A TEC) (political agreement)
- Mid-term report on the Community programme concerning safety, hygiene and health at work (1996–2000) (debate)
- Amended proposal for a decision on the promotion of European pathways for work-linked training, inc apprenticeships (legal basis: Article 127) (political agreement)
December 3 and 4: Justice and Home Affairs Council
- Convention and protocol
- Action plan to create an area of liberty, security and justice
- Preparations for the entry into force of Amsterdam
- Legal action on European solidarity
- European migration strategy
- Regulation on countries subject to visas
- Enlargement: evaluation
- Determination and classification of the Schengen legal situation
- Incorporation of the Schengen information system in the EU legal framework
- Progress report on work on the Convention on the admission of third-country nationals
- Council Decision on monitoring the implementation of the instruments adopted in the field of asylum
- Joint action on the approximation of legislation to combat counterfeiting (adoption)
- Explanatory report on the Second Protocol to the Convention on the protection of financial interests (adoption)
- Joint action on money laundering and confiscation
- Joint action on combating corruption in the private sector (if not adopted in September)
- Convention on mutual assistance in criminal matters
- Revision of the Brussels and Lugano Conventions (progress report)
- Rome II: Convention on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations (progress report)
- Implementation of the CIS Convention
- Driving disqualifications: explanatory report
- Implementation of the joint action on synthetic drugs
- Implementation of the joint action on the approximation of drug laws
92 - Ratification of previous conventions (appeal to the Member States in line with recommendations 13 and 14 of the Action Plan and Cardiff follow-up)
- Start-up report
- Decision extending the mandate to terrorism
- Document on the threat posed by terrorism
- IRAQ: final report
- Expert working party report on best practice
- Report on measures to combat counterfeiting of the EURO
- Council Resolution on the prevention of organised crime with reference to the establishment of a comprehensive strategy for combating it: adoption
- OC annual report
- Report to the European Council on implementation of the action plan to combat OC
- Report on implementation of the Resolution on hooligans
- Report on implementation of the Resolution of 18 December 1997 on priorities in the fields of justice and home affairs from 1 January 1998 until the entry into force of the Amsterdam Treaty
- Article 18—Committee meeting (possible)
December 4: Education Council
- Proposal for a European Parliament and Council decision establishing the second phase of the Community action programme "Socrates" (poss. common position)
- Second phase of the Community vocational training programme Leonardo Da Vinci (legal basis: Article 127) (poss.) (common position)
- Proposal for a Council decision adopting the third phase of the trans-European co-operation scheme for higher education (Tempus III) (poss. adoption)
- (poss.) Action plan for the implementation of the Green Paper "Education, vocational training, research: obstacles to transnational mobility" (presentation by the Commission)
- (poss.) Proposal for a Council recommendation on the statute of mobile students (included the transfer of Scholarships) (presentation by the Commission)
- Report by the Commission on the implementation of pilot projects in the context of the objectives of the White Paper on education and training, "teaching and learning: towards the learning society" (presentation by the Commission and debate)
- 1999 National Employment Action Plans (debate)
December 7: Internal Market Council
- European Company Statute
- Free Movement of Goods—Intervention Mechanism
- Proposal for an amending Directive concerning liability for defective products
- Internal Market and Cardiff process of economic reform—presidency report
- Proposal for a directive on certain legal aspects of electronic commerce (presentation by the Commission)
December 7–8: General Affairs Council
- Agenda 2000
- Enlargement
- Preparation of Amsterdam Treaty Implementation
- Russia
- Human Rights: 50th Anniversary Celebration 10 December (poss.)
- Preparation of the Vienna European Council
- Asylum and Immigration Task Force
- Council Working Methods
- Western Balkans
- Middle East Peace Process
- Cuba
93 - South Africa
- Switzerland
- Draft Regulation GSP for 1999–2000
- Transatlantic Relations
December 10: Research Council
- (poss.) Fifth EC RTD Framework programme (final adoption)
- (poss.) Fifth Euratom Research Framework programme (final adoption)
- (poss.) Fifth EC and Euratom Framework programmes—Specific programmes (final adoption)
- (poss.) International Cooperation (poss. signature/conclusion of agreements with pre-accession CEECs and Cyprus, and other third countries)
December 11–12: European Council
- No agenda yet available
December 14–16: Agriculture Council
- No agenda yet available
December 17–18: Fisheries Council
- Proposal for a Regulation setting TACs and Quotas for 1999 and related legislation (adoption)
- (poss.) The Future of the Common Fisheries Policy (2002) (oral report by the Commission)
- Council Regulation on the common organisation of the markets in the fisheries sector (presentation by the Commission)
- (poss.) Funding of the collection of data of the common fisheries policy (presentation by the Commission)
- Modification of Regulation 3699 on Structural Funds for Fisheries (IFOP) (presentation by the Commission)
December 21: Environment Council
- (poss.) Draft proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and the Council amending directive 88/77/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the measures to be taken against the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants from diesel engines for use in vehicles (heavy goods vehicles) (common position)
- Proposal for a European Parliament and Council Directive amending Directive 90/220/EEC on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms (political agreement: EP Opinion expected in February)
- (poss.) Proposal for a Council Directive on ozone-depleting substances (common position)
- Proposal for a Council Decision on the monitoring of CO, emissions from passenger cars in the Community (common position)
- Proposal for a Council Directive on the labelling of fuel consumption of passenger cars (common position)
- Community strategy on climate change: follow-up to Buenos Aires (Council conclusions)
- Proposal for a Council Directive on "end-of-life vehicles" (common position)
European calendar: December 1998-May 1999 Month December 1998 1 Brussels ECOFIN Council 1 Brussels Transport Council 1 Brussels Social Affairs and ECOFIN Council 1 Vienna Parliamentary Heads 2 Brussels Social Affairs Council 2–3 Brussels European Parliament Plenary 3–4 Brussels Justice and Home Affairs Council 4 Brussels Education Council 7 Brussels Political Committee 7 Brussels Internal Market Council 7–8 Brussels General Affairs Council 10 Brussels Research Council 11 Vienna Political Committee 11–12 Vienna European Council
European calendar: December 1998-May 1999 Month 14–16 Brussels Agriculture Council 14–18 Strasbourg European Parliament Plenary 17–18 Brussels Fisheries Council 21 Brussels Environment Council January 1999 1 Brussels ECOFIN 11–15 Strasbourg European Parliament Plenary 14 Brussels Fisheries Council (possible) 18–19 Brussels Agriculture Council 18 Brussels ECOFIN 19 Brussels Agriculture Council 25 Brussels Political Committee 25–26 Brussels General Affairs Council 27–28 Brussels European Parliament Plenary February 1999 4–6 Bonn Ministers for Labour & Social Affairs (Informal) 8 Brussels ECOFIN 8–12 Strasbourg European Parliament Plenary 11–12 Berlin Ministers for Justice & Home Affairs (Informal) 18 Brussels Research Council (possible) 22 Brussels Political Committee 22–23 Brussels General Affairs Council 22–23 Brussels Agriculture Council 24–25 Brussels European Parliament Plenary 25 Brussels Internal Market March 1999 9 Brussels Social Affairs Council 11–12 Brussels Environment Council 12 Brussels Justice & Home Affairs Council (possible) 13–14 Reinhartshausen Foreign Ministers (Informal) 15 Brussels ECOFIN 15–16 Brussels Agriculture Council 18 Brussels Education Council 22 Brussels Political Committee 22–23 Brussels General Affairs Council 24–25 Brussels Special European Council 24–25 Frankfurt Asia-Europe Finance Ministers 25 Brussels Fisheries Council 29 Brussels Transport Council 29–30 Berlin Asia-Europe Foreign Ministers April 1999 13 Luxembourg Consumer Affairs Council 15–16 Stuttgart Barcelona III 16–18 Dresden ECOFIN (Informal) 19–20 Luxembourg Agriculture Council 22 Luxembourg Telecommunications Council 23–25 Mecklenburg Environment Ministers (Informal) 24–25 Luxembourg NATO Summit 26–27 Luxembourg General Affairs Council 29 Luxembourg Industry Council May 1999 6 Brussels EU-ACP Ministerial meeting 10 Brussels ECOFIN 10 Brussels Social Affairs Council 10 Bremen WEU Council 10–11 Berlin Trade Ministers (Informal) 11 Brussels Energy Council 17–18 Brussels General Affairs Council 17–18 Brussels Agriculture Council 18–19 Weimar Culture Ministers (Informal) 20 Brussels Research Council 21 Brussels Development Council 25 Brussels Joint ECOFIN and Labour & Social Affairs Council 27 Brussels Youth Council 27–28 Brussels Justice & Home Affairs Council 31 Brussels General Affairs Council 30 May-1 June Dresden Agriculture Ministers (Informal) Note:
This calendar is primarily concerned with European Union matters, but certain other relevant events are also included. Events and dates quoted are based on the information available on the date of issue.