HL Deb 19 November 1998 vol 594 c180WA
Lord Monkswell

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What were the charges levied by the Sea Fish Industry Authority between 1981 and 1985 when processing applications for grant aid. [HL3828]

Lord Donoughue

The Government intend, when the legislative programme allows, to introduce legislation to provide retrospective statutory authority for technical charges levied by the Sea Fish Industry Authority (SFIA) when processing applications for grant aid under the Fisheries Act 1981. This will regularise the position following advice which has cast doubt on the SFIA's view that its powers to charge contained in the Act covered the technical charges which were levied up until 1995.

My honourable friend the Parliamentary Secretary believes that the charges levied were reasonable ones and that the costs of making repayments would be disproportionate to any benefit such repayment would confer on those to whom it was made. The Ministry does not therefore propose to meet any claims that are brought before the proposed legislation is in place.