HC Deb 03 November 1998 vol 318 cc491-3W
Mr. McNamara

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what is the total work force of the

Table 1(a): All permanent NICS seconded to PANI by community background at 1 January 1998
Occupational Groups Protestant %Protestant Roman Catholic %Roman Catholic Not determined %not determined Total
1 Managers and administrators 269 81.5 41 13.0 6 1.9 316
2 Professional occupations 6 50.0 4 33.3 2 16.7 12
3 Associate professional and technical occupations 38 86.4 4 9.1 2 4.5 44
4 Clerical and secretarial occupations 1,459 84.0 243 14.0 34 2.0 1,736
5 Crafts and skilled manual occupations 190 86.8 14 6.4 15 6.8 219
6 Personal and protective service occupations 57 74.0 6 7.8 14 18.2 77
8 Plant and machine operatives 7 87.5 0 0.0 1 12.5 8
9 Other occupations 221 81.9 17 6.3 32 11.9 270
Total 2,247 83.8 329 12.3 106 4.0 2,682

Table 1(b): All permanent NICS seconded to PANI by gender at 1 January 1998
Occupational Groups Male %Male Female %Female Total
1 Managers and administrators 126 39.9 190 60.1 316
2 Professional occupations 8 66.7 4 33.3 12
3 Associate professional and technical occupations 39 88.6 5 11.4 44
4 Clerical and secretarial occupations 241 13.9 1,495 86.1 1,736
5 Crafts and skilled manual occupations 218 99.5 1 0.5 219
6 Personal and protective service occupations 58 75.3 19 24.7 77
8 Plant and machine operatives 8 100.0 0 0.0 8
9 Other occupations 121 44.8 149 55.2 270
Total 819 30.5 1,863 69.5 2,682

Northern Ireland Police Authority, including staff seconded from the Civil Service; if she will list the principal occupational sub-divisions or descriptive groups of staff; and what is their composition in respect of (a) gender and (b) perceived religious/community origin. [56388]

Mr. Ingram

At 1 January 1998 the total workforce of the Police Authority, including staff seconded from the Civil Service, was 3,402.

The total workforce has been broken down by Standard Occupational Classification.

Tables 1 (a) and 2 (a) provide a breakdown by perceived religious origin. Tables 1 (b) and 2 (b) provide a breakdown by gender.

Table 2(a): All permanent PANI direct recruits by community background at 1 January 1998
Occupational Groups Protestant %Protestant Roman Catholic %Roman Catholic Not determined %not determined Total
1 Managers and administrators 11 78.6 2 14.3 1 7.1 14
2 Professional occupations 19 59.4 7 21.9 6 18.8 32
3 Associate professional and technical occupations 94 82.5 12 10.5 8 7.0 114
4 Clerical and secretarial occupations 12 100.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 12
5 Crafts and skilled manual occupations 22 84.6 2 7.7 2 7.7 26
6 Personal and protective service occupations 123 71.9 40 23.4 8 4.7 171
9 Other occupations 308 87.7 20 5.7 23 6.6 351
Total 589 81.8 83 11.5 48 6.7 720

Table 2(b): All permanent PANI direct recruits by gender at 1 January 1998
Occupational Groups Male %Male Female %Female Total
1 Managers and administrators 9 64.3 5 35.7 14
2 Professional occupations 25 78.1 7 21.9 32
3 Associate professional and technical occupations 76 66.7 38 33.3 114
4 Clerical and secretarial occupations 7 58.3 5 41.7 12
5 Crafts and skilled manual occupations 23 88.5 3 11.5 26
6 Personal and protective service occupations 93 54.4 78 45.6 171
9 Other occupations 109 31.1 242 68.9 351
Total 342 47.5 378 52.5 720

Mr. McNamara

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many buildings comprise the police estate; if she will cost and itemise major works projects(a) completed over the last 12 months and (b) already underway, initiated or committed in the next 12 months; how many part-time police stations are currently in operation; and what savings are estimated in the next 12 months as a result of the improved security situation. [56389]

Mr. Ingram

In pursuance of section 4 of the Police Act (NI) 1970, the Police Authority for Northern Ireland maintains 167 buildings. Eight of these premises are wholly or partially used for the purposes of the Police Authority.(a) Over the last 12 months two new stations were built at Coagh and Loughgall costing £1,600,000 and £1,690,000 respectively. A further £3,100,000 was spent on 35 other projects, mainly in the areas of fire certification, health and safety and general upgrading of accommodation. (b) Twenty-five major projects totalling £4,500,000 are currently underway or are scheduled to be committed within the next 12 months. No new builds are involved and apart from two major health and safety projects (£850,000 for the provision of flat roof edge protection and £560,000 for asbestos related work) the bulk of the money has again been allocated to fire certification work and general improving of accommodation.

The number of part-time RUC stations currently in operation is 64.

Information regarding what savings are estimated in the next 12 months as a result of the improved security situation is not readily available and could be compiled only at disproportionate cost.