HC Deb 02 November 1998 vol 318 cc400-1W
Mr. John Smith

To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office what proposals he has to change the 1998–99 cash limit or running costs limit for the Cabinet Office: Administration and Cabinet Office: Other Services Votes. [58090]

Dr. Jack Cunningham

Subject to parliamentary approval of the necessary Supplementary EstimatesThe cash limit for Cabinet Office: administration (Class XVII, Vote 1) will be increased by £34,937,000 from £119,119,000 to £154,056,000 and the running costs limit will be increased by £7,840,000 from £55,063,000 to £62,903,000. The cash limit for Cabinet Office: other services (Class XVIII, Vote 1) will be increased by £6,825,000 from £42,531,000 to £49,356,000 and the running costs limit will be increased by £5,945,000 from £42,694,000 to £48,639,000.

This is to take account of the following: End Year Flexibility As announced by the Chief Secretary to the Treasury on 14 July 1998, Official Report, columns 131–36, the Cabinet Office: administration Vote is eligible for a cash limit increase of £24,965,000 and a running costs increase of £13,909,000 in respect of end year flexibility arrangements for capital and running costs. The Cabinet Office: other services Vote is eligible for a cash limit and running costs increase of £1,232,000 under the same scheme, including and amount of £75,000 transferred from the Privy Council Office (Class XVIII, Vote 3) for the Central Drugs Co-ordination Unit. This Supplementary gives effect to the increases. The cash limit and running costs limit of the Cabinet Office: administration Vote will be increased by £19,600,000 and £8,544,000 respectively. The cash limit and running costs limit of the Cabinet Office: other services Vote will be increased by £1,232,000. The remaining entitlement of £5,365,000 will be surrendered to the Treasury, to partly offset increased provision for the programme to modernise government. Modernisation of Government The Cabinet Office has received increased provision of £21,097,000 for the programme to modernise government, which was announced by the Prime Minister in a Written Statement on 28 July 1998, Official Report, columns 132–34. This includes £16,300,000 to the Cabinet Office: administration Vote for combating the millennium bug, a new Centre for Management and Policy Studies, and a relocation project; and £4,797,000 to the Cabinet Office: other services Vote for strengthening the Prime Minister's Office, work on social exclusion, strategic communications and constitutional reform, and a new Performance and Innovation Unit. Machinery of Government and Other Changes The Cabinet Office: other services Vote has taken over responsibility for the Central Drugs Co-ordination Unit from the Privy Council Office (Class XVIII, Vote 3) (increased provision of £553,000, offset by a transfer payment from the Privy Council Office). Responsibility for the Freedom of Information Unit has been transferred from the Cabinet Office: administration Vote to the Home Office (Class VII, Vote 1) (a transfer payment of £439,000 to the Home Office, offset by reduced provision). The ownership of certain buildings has been transferred from Cabinet Office: administration Vote to the Department of Health (Class XII, Vote 2) (£20,000) and DETR (Class VI, Vote 3) (£147,000). Responsibility for the Office of the Minister Without Portfolio has been transferred from the Cabinet Office: other services Vote to the Cabinet Office: administration Vote (a transfer payment of £368,000, offset by increases and reductions to provision). The Cabinet Office: other services Vote has received a transfer of £796,000 from the Cabinet Office: administration Vote for jointly administered common services.

The increases will be offset by transfers or charged to the Reserve, and will not therefore add to the planned total of public expenditure.