HC Deb 14 May 1998 vol 312 c165W
Mr. Flynn

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what assessment he has made of the current

Original offence1,2 Total sampled Percentage reconvicted for any offence3 Percentage reconvicted for any drugs offence
Numbers and two year reconviction rates for drug offences for prisoners discharged in 1994
Dealing in cannabis 678 34 18
Dealing in ecstacy (MDMA) 120 28 13
Possession of heroin 172 64 32
Dealing in heroin 125 35 18
All drugs offences 2,722 37 17
Numbers and two year reconviction rates for drug offences for offenders commencing community penalties4 in 1994
Other drugs offence 511 49 27
Dealing in cannabis 190 41 25
Possession of heroin 250 65 33
All drugs offences 1,000 51 28
1 Figures are given only for categories of offence where there were at least 50 offenders in either sample whose original offence was possession of cannabis. Possession with intent to supply has been included in dealing offences
2 The original offence is based on the most recent offence recorded prior to discharge from prison. The data for the detailed categories of drugs offence relate to those sentenced from 1 January 1993, the date on which the categories presented here were first used
3 Reconviction for a standard list offence. This includes all indictable and some of the more serious summary offences
4 This sample was drawn from offenders commencing probation, community service and combination orders

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