HC Deb 16 March 1998 vol 308 c484W
Mr. Kirkwood

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment if he will make a statement on the informal EU Social and Education Council of Ministers meeting on 12 and 13 March. [33403]

Mr. Andrew Smith

The Secretary of State chaired a successful joint meeting of EU Education and Social Affairs Ministers in London on 12–13 March on the theme of employability. The meeting was an innovative mix of audio-visual presentations, Ministerial discussion groups and plenary discussion. Ministers from all Member States attended the meeting and were joined by Commissioners Cresson and Flynn and representatives of the European Parliament and of social partner organisations from Europe and the UK.

The Ministerial discussion focused on the future of the European Social Fund after the year 2000 and the new generation of education, training and youth programmes. A short report of the conclusions of the meeting will be prepared by the UK Presidency.

The Ministerial discussion groups provided an interesting exchange of views and good practice, centred around approaches to employability across the EU in four main areas: the transition from school to work; lifelong learning; combating long-term unemployment and social exclusion; and combining labour market adaptability with fair and decent standards at work.

Presentations were given by a range of people with differing perspectives on the theme: a leading business man on the role of the employer; the headteacher of a comprehensive school in south east London on preparing schoolchildren for the world of work and combating social exclusion; and participants on the New Deal and the Modern Apprenticeship Scheme and from the Prince's Trust. In addition to the business at the meeting, the Informal Council also successfully involved a range of young people, including young musicians and apprentice chefs.