HC Deb 12 March 1998 vol 308 cc262-4W
Mr. Tom King

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions if he will review how the migration assumptions used in the sub-national population and household projections are calculated, in respect of the emphasis laid on forecasts of future regional and sub-regional economic activity rather than past trends. [33827]

Mr. Raynsford

The 1996-based sub-national population projections are due to be published in the autumn of this year. Production of the household projections will follow some months later. As in the past, local authorities will be consulted on the migration assumptions within the population projections. At a consultation meeting last December, local government and academic representatives supported the view that both the population and household projections should be based on past trends. It should be noted that regional economic factors are taken into account alongside the household projections when deciding on appropriate housing figures for Regional Planning Guidance.

Mr. Tom King

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions when he intends that regional planning conferences should start producing the annual reports on indicators relevant to housing provision proposed in paragraph 31 of Planning for the Communities of the Future (Cm 3885). [33822]

Mr. Raynsford

As explained in paragraphs 33 and 34 of the document, the Government wish to implement the new arrangements as quickly as possible. When RPG is already under review the Government office will discuss with the Regional Planning Conferences the scope for adopting the new approach in completing those reviews. Arrangements for monitoring would be a feature of those discussions. Additionally, the Department intends shortly to publish advice on monitoring indicators.

Mr. Tom King

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions what steps he is taking to make chairmen of county structure plan examinations in public, who have not yet finalised their reports, aware of the policy and priority changes proposed in "Planning for the Communities of the Future" (Cm 3885). [33823]

Mr. Raynsford

As a matter of Departmental policy, all those who serve as Chairmen of structure plan Examinations in Public are sent copies of new national planning policy statements and guidance when they are published. This includes copies of "Planning for the Communities of the Future", though it should be noted that some elements of that document are, or will be, the subject of public consultation before being finalised.

Mr. Tom King

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions if he will define local ownership of the housing figures as referred to in paragraph 25 of "Planning for the Communities of the Future" (Cm 3885). [33828]

Mr. Raynsford

As explained in "Planning for the Communities of the Future" the new system will make local authorities more responsible for assessing their housing requirements, in partnership with the Government Offices, and more accountable for the results. This should increase their sense of ownership of the resulting housing figures.

Mr. Tom King

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions what proposals he has to implement the provisions of(a) paragraph 76, in respect of low density greenfield development and (b) paragraph 86, in respect of a mix of size of housing units to reflect increasing demand by small households, of "Planning for the Communities of the Future" (Cm 3885). [33821]

Mr. Raynsford

Current planning policy guidance (PPG3) already enables local planning authorities to seek a reasonable mix and balance of house types and sizes to cater for a range of housing needs. Nevertheless, as the policy document "Planning for the Communities of the Future" indicates, PPG3 needs to be revised to bring it up to date. The Government's policies on housing density issues will also be considered as part of that review. We hope to issue a draft PPG3 for consultation by the summer recess.

Mr. Tom King

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions if he intends to publish detailed advice and requirements on how the sustainability appraisal of draft regional planning guidance on housing projections, proposed in paragraph 28 of "Planning for the Communities of the Future" (Cm 3885) will be implemented. [33826]

Mr. Raynsford

As indicated in the consultation paper on the future of Regional Planning Guidance (RPG), published on 15 January, when copies were placed in the Library, the intention is that future reviews of RPG will be subject to a full environmental appraisal. However, it goes on to say that we are also considering the scope to move towards a more broadly based "sustainability appraisal" of RPG. We will be letting a research project in May to determine how best to undertake a sustainability appraisal of RPG and produce good practice guidance on undertaking such an appraisal. It is intended to publish the results of the research in March 1999.

Mr. Tom King

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions what proposals he has for a public information campaign on the issues involved in the projections for and planning of new homes; and how much he plans to spend on this in(a) the current year and (b) subsequently. [33824]

Mr. Raynsford

These issues continue to be well-aired in public debate. In addition, my right hon. and hon. Friends and I will be making speeches, and my Department will be organising meetings, over the coming months, in connection with the recently published policy document, "Planning for the Communities of the Future" (Cm 3885). We do not, at this stage, see a need for a paid public information campaign.

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