HC Deb 05 March 1998 vol 307 cc708-9W
Dr. Ladyman

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many of those who landed at(a) Dover and (b) Ramsgate during 1997 have claimed the right to remain in the UK under asylum regulations; what was their country of origin; and what is their current status. [32551]

Mr. Mike O'Brien

The available information is given in the table and relates to those persons who applied for asylum on their arrival at the ports of Dover or Ramsgate.

Applications1 for asylum in the United Kingdom, excluding dependants, lodged on arrival at the ports of Dover and Ramsgate during 1997, by nationality and current outcome2
Total applications Of which: Refused asylum, of which:
Nationality Number (percentages) Under consideration by Asylum Directorate 3percentages Granted asylum percentages Granted exceptional leave to enter percentages Awaiting outcome of appeal or other challenge 4 percentages Awaiting removal 5percentages Removed/departed voluntarily 6percentages Other 7percentages
Applied at Dover
Slovakia 225 (100) 5 40 5 45 5
Somalia 185 (100) 80 5 5 5
Czech Republic 175 (100) 10 40 5 45
Former Yugoslavia 135 (100) 85 10 5
Turkey 75 (100) 75 10 5 10 5
DRC (formerly Zaire) 70 (100) 75 20
Poland 65 (100) 25 25 45
Sri Lanka 40 (100) 70 20 5 10
Algeria 40 (100) 45 5 45 5
Afghanistan 35 (100) 70 20 10
Albania 30 (100) 70 15 15 5
Angola 25 (100) 30 50 5 10 10
Iraq 25 (100) 95 5
Iran 15 (100) 65 5 25 5
Nigeria 15 (100) 20 30 50
Kenya 15 (100) 50 20 30
Bulgaria 15 (100) 40 60
Others 130 (100) 45 10 40 5
Total 1,300 (100) 45 20 30 5
Applied at Ramsgate
Former Yugoslavia 30 (100) 60 5 30 5
Slovakia 10 (100) 70 30
Others 50 (100) 40 5 50 5
Total 90 (100) 50 5 40 5
1 Provisional figures rounded to the nearest 5.
2 Estimated breakdown based on information recorded as at 31 January 1998. Percentages rounded to nearest 5 per cent.
3 Includes some cases referred back to Asylum Directorate for further consideration as well as those awaiting an initial decision.
4 Cases awaiting the outcome of an appeal to the Immigration Adjudicator, Tribunal, Court of Appeal or any other further challenge.
5 Includes cases where removal cannot, as yet, be effected due to insufficient travel documentation.
6 Includes removals on safe third country grounds.
7 Includes persons granted leave to enter the United Kingdom on other grounds, those whose whereabouts are currently unknown and those whose current outcome cannot be established without examination of individual case records.