HC Deb 04 March 1998 vol 307 c646W
Sir Raymond Powell

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions (1) how much land in Wales previously owned by British Rail has been disposed of for(a) industries, (b) housing and (c) other developments since privatisation; [32240]

(2) how much land previously owned by British Rail has been disposed of for (a) industrial, (b) housing and (c) other developments in the United Kingdom since privatisation; [32239]

(3) how much land previously owned by British Rail has been disposed of for (a) industrial, (b) housing and (c) other developments in Scotland since privatisation. [32241]

Ms Glenda Jackson

I regret that information on sales of land by British Rail since privatisation is not kept in the form requested. Disposal of land transferred by British Rail to Railtrack and other railway businesses at privatisation is a matter for the companies concerned.