HL Deb 30 June 1998 vol 591 cc71-3WA
Lord Fraser of Carmyllie

asked Government:

When the report and accompanying executive on the national summary of the Low Pay Commission on the national minimum wage was first delivered to Ministers; and to whom, other than Ministers, officials in departments and special advisers, the report and accompanying executive summary have been distributed. [HL2352]

Lord Clinton-Davis

The Low Pay Commission report was delivered to the Government on 27 May. Printed copies of the report are now available from the Stationery Office and copies of its summary and recommendations are available from the DTI Publications Orderline.

Lord Fraser of Carmyllie

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether the distribution of the report and accompanying executive summary of the Low Pay Commission on the national minimum wage to individuals and organisations outside government departments had been authorised by Ministers prior to its publication to Parliament and the public; and when and by whom was such authorisation for distribution of the report and accompanying executive summary was given. [HL2353]

Lord Clinton-Davis

No such authorisation was given.

Lord Fraser of Carmyllie

asked Her Majesty's Government:

On how many occasions since the delivery of the report and accompanying executive summary of the Low Pay Commission on the national minimum wage have either the President of the Board of Trade or the Minister of State (Mr. McCartney) met Mr. John Edmonds of the GMB union or Mr. John Monks of the Trades Union Congress and what was discussed. [HL2354]

Lord Clinton-Davis

Ministers do, of course, meet representatives of employers and employees from time to time as part of their normal functions. I understand that the President of the Board of Trade attended a TUC dinner on 16 June. I do not know what was discussed.

Lord Fraser of Carmyllie

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What instructions were given by Ministers to officials regarding the distribution and discussion of the report and accompanying executive summary of the Low Pay Commission on the national minimum wage prior to publication. [HL2355]

Lord Clinton-Davis

It was agreed that the normal procedures for dealing with confidential reports of this kind should be followed.

Lord Fraser of Carmyllie

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether the Chairman of the Low Pay Commission has been advised of the arrangements made to allow distribution of the report and accompanying executive summary of the Low Pay Commission on the national minimum wage to selected individuals and organisations. [HL2356]

Lord Clinton-Davis

No such advice for distribution of the report was given to the Chairman of the Low Pay Commission. Publication of the report was a matter for the Government.

Lord Fraser of Carmyllie

asked Her Majesty's Government:

When they first became aware that Mr. John Edmonds of the GMB union and Mr. John Monks of the Trades Union Congress have had in their possession copies of the report and accompanying executive summary of the Low Pay Commission on the national minimum wage; whether this distribution was authorised; and, if not, what steps they have taken to institute a leak inquiry. [HL2357]

Lord Clinton-Davis

I cannot confirm that the individuals in questions had copies of the report or the summary. Distribution prior to publication was not authorised by Ministers, as I made clear in the Committee of this House on Monday 15 June (Official Report, col. 1377).