HC Deb 01 June 1998 vol 313 c109W
Mr. Oaten

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security (1) if she will make a statement on the timetable for execution and evaluation of pilot schemes to test less restrictive definitions of incapacity for benefit purposes; [43560]

(2) what budget the Government have set for 1998–99 for pilot schemes to test less restrictive definitions of incapacity for benefit purposes; [43562]

(3) what plans the Government have to consult with disability groups prior to undertaking pilot schemes to test less restrictive definitions of incapacity for benefit purposes. [43561]

Mr. Denham

Pilots testing more flexible definitions of incapacity to help disabled people into work are due to start in April 1999. No budget has been set for 1998–99.

The Government will continue to consult disabled people and their organisations on our plans to help disabled people who want to work.

Mr. Oaten

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what plans she has to extend the linking period between work entry and benefit claiming for severe disablement allowance and incapacity benefit. [43564]

Mr. Denham

We are taking action to remove obstacles to work from the benefits system as part of our strategy for helping people with disabilities or long-term sickness who want to work. As one of the first steps in this process we will introduce a new 52 week linking rule for people receiving Severe Disablement Allowance and longer-term incapacity benefits who move into work. We are planning to introduce the new rules, which will take some of the risks out of a return to work, with effect from October 1998.