HC Deb 28 July 1998 vol 317 cc211-2W
Mr. Edward Davey

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what efforts he is making to raise the awareness of environmental and sustainable development issues within his Department; and what specific training will be made available to staff. [52374]

Mrs. Liddell

Included in the Treasury's Environmental Strategy is a commitment to maintain publicity campaigns to increase staff awareness of particular environmental issues.

Articles and notices have been run on: recycling schemes and achievements; energy awareness; a "Bag It and Bin It" campaign; and the "Going for Green" campaign. These have been made available to staff via the Accommodation Services bulletin, the in-house staff journal; and by the electronic message system; and to the wider public via the Treasury's website. Copies were circulated to every member of staff of the Government's consultation paper on a revised UK strategy for sustainable development "Opportunities for Change".

Depending on the requirements of their post, most policy staff in the Treasury undertake training in microeconomics. The courses introduce staff to the concept of environmental and other externalities, and the need to take these non-costed effects on board in policy appraisal.

DETR recently circulated guidance to other Government Departments on policy appraisal and the environment. Copies of the DETR guide have been circulated widely to staff in the Chancellor's Departments. A series of seminars have been arranged to make sure the main messages are understood.

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