HC Deb 16 July 1998 vol 316 c299W
Mr. Nigel Jones

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment how many(a) head teachers, (b) deputy head teachers and (c) teachers, have taken early retirement in Gloucestershire Local Education Authority in the financial year 1997–98; and if he will make a statement. [50066]

Ms Estelle Morris

Early retirements1 from the maintained nursery, primary, secondary and special sectors in Gloucestershire in the financial year 1997–98 are as shown.

Retirements Head teacher Deputy head teacher classroom teachers2
Premature retirement 19 14 89
Ill-health retirement 3 3 21
Total 22 17 110
1Provisional data
2Includes one unqualified teacher


Changes in the statutory regulations governing early retirement came into force during 1997–98. The changes made teachers' employers responsible for the extra cost of premature retirement and clarified the definition of ill-health in the case of applications for ill-health retirement benefits