§ Mr. CohenTo ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department if he will list the public registers which his Department has responsibility for. [47350]
§ Mr. HoonThe Lord Chancellor's Department or its Agencies are responsible for the following public registers
Court Service Headquarters
- Register of County Court Judgments (administered by the Registry Trust Ltd.)
- The Register of bailiffs holding a general certificate to levy distress for rent.
Principal Registry of the Family DivisionProbate Calender—record of all grants issued in England and Wales since 1895Royal Courts of Justice
- Petitions for Bankruptcy, applications for interim orders, and applications to set aside Statutory Demands
- Petitions for administration issues in the Companies Court
- Winding up Petitions issued in England and Wales
- Local Election Petitions
- Parliamentary Election Petitions
521 - Deeds Poll Register
- Bill of Sale Register
- Book Debt Register
Public Trust Office
- Register of unclaimed balances
- Register of Enduring Powers of Attorney
- Register of Notices served on the Public Trustee under Section 18 of the Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1994
Lands Tribunal
- References
- Law of Property Act 1925 Section 84 Applications
- Rating Appeals
- Leasehold Reform Appeals
- Absent Owner Applications
- Rights of Light Act 1959 applications
- Appeals against Determinations of the Inland Revenue
Land Registry
- Registers of Title
- Register of Agricultural Charges
- Register of Land Charges
- Register of Pending Actions
- Register of Writs and Orders
- Register of Deeds of Arrangement
- Register of Annuities
- Index of Proprietors' Names
Northern Ireland Court ServiceThe following are all registers within the Northern Ireland Court Service which the public have access to in whole or part:Supreme Court
- Queen's Bench Writs/Cause
- Queen's Bench Judgments
- Court of Appeal Register
- Bankruptcy Register
- Companies (Winding Up) Register
- Probate Register
- Matrimonial Register
Crown and County Court
- Crown Court Book
- Civil Bill Book
- Small Claims Register
- Criminal Injuries Register
- Equity Register
- Divorce Register
- Default Judgment Register
Magistrates' Court
- Intoxicating Liquor Licences Register
- Registered Clubs Register
- Bookmarkers Licences Register
- Bookmaking Office Licences Register
- Bingo Club Licences Register
- Gaming Machine Certificates Register
- Gaming Machine Permits Register
- Lottery Certificates Register
Enforcement of Judgments OfficeRegister of Judgments.A number of registers are kept within the Magistrates' Courts in England. and Wales but they are the responsibility of the Justices Clerks rather than the Lord Chancellor's Department and so are not included.