HC Deb 29 January 1998 vol 305 cc386-8W
Mr. Blunt

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what part he played in the consideration of appointing Ms Gaynor Regan as his diary secretary. [26184]

Mr. Howard

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what steps he took to appoint Ms Gaynor Regan as his diary secretary. [26192]

Mr. Robin Cook

After I decided to replace Miss Bullen, Gaynor Regan was, for a short time, considered for the post. She was an obvious candidate, having worked as my Diary Secretary for four years in opposition. I quickly decided not to pursue this possibility, and instructed the Permanent Under Secretary to arrange for the appointment of a Diplomatic Service candidate through the standard internal procedures.

Mr. Blunt

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what briefing his Department issued to the press on the nature of the appointment of Ms Anne Bullen. [26214]

Mr. Robin Cook

This Department issued the following statement on 26 JanuaryAnne Bullen was employed as the Diary Secretary in the Foreign Secretary's Private Office from November 1993 to June 1997. She was a personal appointment by Douglas Hurd. She was not a career public servant, but was appointed on a fixed term contract which was subsequently extended until November 1997. Anne Bullen was not given a compensation package but was paid her salary until the end of her contract as required under its terms. It is not the case that the decision not to renew Ms Bullen's contract was taken in order to give her job to anyone else. On the contrary, the post of Diary Secretary to the Foreign Secretary reverted to a career member of the Diplomatic Service who was appointed under normal internal procedures. In this case a personal appointment by Douglas Hurd has been replaced by a career member of the Diplomatic Service. As Ms Bullen was placed on a higher salary, there is a net saving in public spending.

Mr. Howard

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what restrictions have been placed on Miss Anne Bullen in respect of making public statements on the termination of her employment as his diary secretary. [26190]

Mr. Maclean

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if the termination contract of Miss Bullen contained a requirement not to discuss the circumstances of her dismissal in addition to Official Secrets Act requirements. [26314]

Mr. Robin Cook

I took no part in the negotiations over the termination of Miss Bullen's employment. As a result of those negotiations, between her and FCO officials, she agreed that the terms of her departure and the circumstances giving rise to it should not be disclosed to third parties.

Mr. Howard

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what compensation was paid to Miss Anne Bullen on the termination of her employment as his diary secretary; and for what reasons. [26189]

Mr. Robin Cook

Miss Anne Bullen ceased to work as my Diary Secretary on 27 June. She was not paid compensation, but continued to draw her salary for the unexpired period of her contract which ran out on 7 November. I played no part in the negotiations which took place between Foreign Office officials and Miss Bullen over the terms of her departure.

Mr. Howard

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs when the employment of Miss Anne Bullen as his diary secretary was terminated; and for what reasons. [26186]

Mr. Maclean

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what factors led to the dismissal of his Diary Secretary. [26315]

Mr. Robin Cook

Miss. Anne Bullen was a political appointment by a previous Foreign Secretary.

I reluctantly came to the conclusion that Miss Bullen's fixed-term contract should not be renewed when it became evident that I could have no confidence in her, and that she was unwilling to develop a relationship of trust with me. The performance of my present Diary Secretary is exemplary and she has my full confidence.

Miss Anne Bullen ceased to work as my Diary Secretary on 27 June. She was not paid compensation, but continued to draw her salary for the unexpired period of her contract which ran out on 7 November.

Mr. Howard

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (1) what part was played by the Permanent Under Secretary of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in the appointment of a successor to Miss Anne Bullen as his diary secretary; [26188]

(2) what discussions took place between him and officials at his Department about the employment of Ms Gaynor Regan as his diary secretary; and if he informed them of the nature of his relationship with her. [26187]

Mr. Maclean

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs when and by whom the Permanent Secretary of his Department was informed of the intention to replace Miss Bullen as Diary Secretary with Ms Regan. [26313]

Mr. Robin Cook

I discussed with the Permanent Under Secretary on May 21 my concern that Anne Bullen and I had not developed a relationship of trust and he put in hand arrangements for the termination of her employment. I informed him on the same day that I was considering the appointment of Gaynor Regan, who had been my Diary Secretary for four years. Shortly thereafter I advised him that I had decided that she should not take up the position and asked him to put in hand arrangements for the internal appointment of a career civil servant.

I do not discuss my private life with officials, nor do they seek to discuss it with me.

Mr. Maclean

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs on what occasions since 1 May 1997 he planned for his Diary Secretary to accompany him on official business. [26310]

Mr. Robin Cook


Mr. Maclean

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs how many private office staff in(a) his and (b) other Ministers' private offices changed after the election; and in how many cases this was at the instigation of the Minister. [26309]

Mr. Robin Cook

In the three months after the election:

(a) My Principal Private Secretary left at the end of July having completed his normal tour of duty in my office. Miss Anne Bullen, who was appointed on a fixed-term contract, ceased to work for me at the end of June in the circumstances described in the answer I gave today to the right hon. and learned Member for Folkstone and Hythe (Mr. Howard).

(b) Three officials left other FCO Ministers' offices, all having completed their normal tour of duty. One official had resigned before the election, and completed her period of notice on 9 May.

Mr. Maclean

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will make a statement on the public service employment status of Miss Bullen.[26312]

Mr. Robin Cook

Miss Anne Bullen was personally appointed by the then Foreign Secretary in 1993, on a fixed term contract under Schedule 2 (paragraph i) of the Diplomatic Service Order In Council 1991. Her contract was renewed on two occasions, both times for one year.

Mr. Maclean

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if the Permanent Secretary sanctioned the dismissal of Miss Bullen. [26318]

Mr. Robin Cook

I discussed with the Permanent Under Secretary my concern that Anne Bullen and I had not developed a relationship of trust and he put in hand the arrangements for the termination of her employment.