HC Deb 28 January 1998 vol 305 c234W
Mr. Harvey

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment if he will review the rules concerning provision of support for students who take a year out of their degree course for health reasons. [24456]

Dr. Howells

Local Education Authorities have the discretion to continue paying grant to students holding mandatory awards who, with the permission of their academic authority, are absent from their courses. We have issued detailed guidance to LEAs on how to approach the question of payments for students who are absent through sickness. It encouraged LEAs to take a sympathetic and positive view when dealing with sick students, and to bear in mind that they are not immediately eligible for benefits. Sick students may become eligible for Income Support and other benefits only where the period of illness has continued for 28 weeks or more. It is right for LEAs to have discretion in this area and I have no plans to change the present position in 1998–99.

One of the eligibility criteria for obtaining a student loan is that students must be attending their courses. Students who leave their courses for any reason, including sickness, cease to be eligible until they return to their course.

We are currently considering what arrangements should be put in place for sick students once loans replace grants in 1999–2000.