§ Ann ClwydTo ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer when he will publish the results of the review into the evaluation and publication of the employment and labour force statistics. [24450]
§ Ms HewittTo ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what was the change in(a) the level and (b) the value of personal tax allowances (i) from 1978–79 to 1990–91 and (ii) from 1990–91 to 1997–98 for (1) a single person with no children, (2) a lone parent with two children, (3) a married couple with one earner and two children, (4) a married couple with two earners and two children and (5) a cohabiting but unmarried couple with two earners and two children, taking into account child benefit. [23930]
§ Dawn PrimaroloThe levels of tax allowances are given in the tables. The value of tax allowances to individuals is dependent on their income levels.
§ Mrs. LiddellThe information requested falls within the responsibility of the Chief Executive of the Office for National Statistics. I have asked him to arrange for a reply to be given.
Letter from Tim Holt to Ms Ann Clwyd, dated 22 January 1998:
The Chancellor of the Exchequer has asked me to reply, as Director of the Office for National Statistics, to your recent question asking when the results of the review into the evaluation and publication of the employment and labour force statistics will be published.The ONS have recently been reviewing the future presentation and dissemination of labour market statistics. Wide-ranging public consultation was initiated in the May 1997 issue of Labour Market Trends. A summary of responses was published in the October issue of Labour Market Trends. Copies of both editions are available in the House of Commons Library. Responses to the consultation indicated strong support for:- ONS plans to provide an Integrated First Release covering all Labour Market Statistics.647W- the proposals to give increased prominence to data from the Labour Force Survey.It is taking longer than hoped to put together a comprehensive package that meets users' needs. An announcement about the future of labour market statistics will be made in the near future.