§ Mr. SawfordTo ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment if he will list the numbers of classroom technicians broken down to show those employees in(a) part-time, (b) full-time, (c) permanent part-time and (d) all other categories. [24061]
§ Mr. ByersThe latest available information is shown in the following table.
These figures supersede those shown in the Answer given on 8 December 1997, Official Report column 432; the figure for special schools is a revised figure.
Full-time equivalent numbers of technicians1 in schools in England: January 1997 Full-time Part-time Total Nursery n/a n/a n/a Primary n/a n/a n/a Middle 24.2 148.5 172.6 Secondary 6,488.1 5,933.0 12.421.1 Special2 85.9 67.5 153.4 Pupil referral units n/a n/a n/a City Technology Colleges 125.0 18.0 143.0 Independent n/a n/a n/a n/a = not available.
1 Includes laboratory assistants/technicians, design technology assistants/technicians (including home economics assistants, craft technicians), IT technicians.
2 Includes maintained and non-maintained special schools.
Due to rounding there may be discrepancies between the sum of constituent items and the total shown.