HL Deb 20 January 1998 vol 584 cc239-40WA
Baroness Hamwee

asked Her Majesty's Government:

How many respondents to the Green Paper New Leadership for London expressed the view that the authority (or the mayor or the assembly) should have tax-varying or similar powers, and how many expressed the view that it (or they) should not; and [HL24]

How many respondents to the Green Paper New Leadership for London expressed themselves to be in favour of:

  1. (a) the election of an assembly with the separate direct election of a mayor;
  2. 240
  3. (b) the election of an assembly alone;
  4. (c) the election of a mayor alone; and [HL23]

When they will publish an analysis, on a question by question basis, of the responses to each of the 61 questions in the Green Paper New Leadership for London, including (except where confidentiality has been requested) the names of the respondents. [HL22]

Baroness Hayman

Details of the responses we received to the Green PaperNew Leadership for London will be set out in the White Paper which we intend to publish in March. A list of the names of all of the individuals and organisations who responded to the Green Paper was placed in the House of Commons Library on 21 November (Hansard, vol. 301, col. 374). On the same day, copies of their letters were made available for inspection by the public, in the library of the Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions, 2 Marsham Street, London SWIP 3EB.