HC Deb 16 January 1998 vol 304 cc333-4W
Mr. Wilshire

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list by overseas post(a) the number of diplomatic staff, (b) the number of British-based non-diplomatic staff and (c) the number of locally recruited staff currently (i) authorised for and (ii) actually based at each overseas post; and if he will indicate in (1) numerical and (2) percentage terms how each of theses authorised and actual numbers have changed since (A) five years ago and (B) 10 years ago. [22819]

Mr. Tony Lloyd

I have placed in the Library of the House tables showing for each overseas Post (i) the current FCO authorised establishment of UK-based staff, together with the figures for 1993; and (ii) the number of Locally Engaged staff-years being worked currently, together with the figures for 1993.

Other statistics in the form requested by the hon. Member are not readily available, but figures for the total UK-based staff establishment of the FCO are as follows:

1998 1993 1988
Home 3,525 4,040 3,775
Overseas 2,272 2,506 2,793
Total 5,797 6,546 6,568
Change 1998–93 Change 1998–88
Number Per cent. Number Per cent.
Home -515 -12.7 -250 -6.6
Overseas -234 -9.3 -521 -18.7
Total -749 -11.4 -771 -11.7

Figures for total UK-based staff in post are:

1998 Number 1993 Number Change 1998–93 Number Per cent.
5, 571 6,526 -955 -14.6

Figures for 1988 are regrettably not available, nor is a breakdown by location.

Mr. Wilshire

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list by overseas post(a) the current annual cost and (b) the cost in 1990–91 of employing (i) diplomatic staff, (ii) British-based non-diplomatic staff and (iii) locally recruited staff; and if he will indicate (1) numerically and (2) in percentage terms how each of these costs have changed since 1990–91. [22817]

Mr. Tony Lloyd

I have placed in the Library of the House a table showing for each overseas Post the full cost of staff slots at a representative sample of FCO grades (both UK-based and Locally Engaged). The figures show the estimated total cost to the FCO of maintaining an officer at Post in 1995–96 and are the latest available. They comprise: (i) direct costs (such as paybill, National Insurance Contributions, superannuation, allowances, accommodation and travel); (ii) a proportionate share of support functions at Post (such as communications and security); and (iii) a proportionate share of UK administration costs (such as personnel, finance, estate management and IT management).

No directly comparable figures for earlier years are available.