HC Deb 17 February 1998 vol 306 cc624-7W
Audrey Wise

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how many people are currently receiving any element of disability living allowance; and how many are receiving(a) the care component and mobility component at any level, (b) the care component only and (c) the mobility component only. [26405]

Mr. Denham

The information requested is set out in the table.

Recipients of disability living allowance by care and mobility components1
Total: 1,955,500
Highest rate care and higher rate mobility 264,900
Highest rate care and lower rate mobility 65,600
Highest rate care only 38,100
Middle rate care and higher rate mobility 282,800
Middle rate care and lower rate mobility 182,500
Middle rate care only 88,900
Lower rate care and higher rate mobility 239,200
Lower rate care and lower rate mobility 63,000
Lower rate care only 119,000
Higher rate mobility only 532,300
Lower rate mobility only 79,100
1Figures relate to 30 November 1997.


Due to rounding to the nearest 100 the samples do not sum.


Analytical Services Division: 5 per cent. sample data.

Mr. Fitzpatrick

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what is the average duration of claims for disability living allowance broken down by mobility component and care component. [26160]

Mr. Denham

The average duration for Disability Living Allowance awards of care component is 157 weeks and the average duration for awards of mobility component is 163 weeks.


1. The source for these figures is a five per cent. sample of claimant cases and the figures relate to claimants with entitlement to the benefit at 30 November 1997.

2. Disability Living Allowance (DLA) was introduced in April 1992.

3. These figures do not include those in receipt of Attendance Allowance or Mobility Allowance in April 1992 and who were transferred to DLA at that date.

4. No allowance has been made for suspensions in the payment of either DLA component, because data on these is incomplete.

Mr. Fitzpatrick

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how many people receiving incapacity benefit also receive disability living allowance, broken down by care and mobility component. [26161]

Mr. Denham

The information requested is set out in the table.

People in receipt of incapacity benefit and disability living allowance
All awards 585
Awards of care component only 49
Awards of mobility component 193
Awards of both components 342


1. Figures related to 31 August 1997.

2. Due to rounding to the nearest 1,000 the figures do not sum.


Analytical Services Division : 5 per cent. data.

Mr. Fitzpatrick

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how many people receive disability living allowance; and how many of these(a) also have earnings from employment, (b) also receive incapacity benefit, (c) also receive income support and (d) also receive severe disablement allowance. [26159]

Mr. Denham

The information requested is set out in the table.

All recipients1,2 1,956,000
Recipients also in receipt of:7
Incapacity Benefit2,3 585,000
Severe Disablement Allowance2,3 292,000
Income Support2,4 610,000
Proportion of all recipients with earnings from employment5,6 7 per cent.


1 Figures relate to 30 November 1997.

2 Analytical Services Division : 5 per cent. sample data.

3 Figures relate to 31 August 1997.

4 Figures related to 31 May 1997.

5 Analytical Services Division : 1995–96 Family Resources Survey.

6 The figures are based on sample counts which have been adjusted for non response. They are subject to sampling error.

7 Could be receiving more than one of the other benefits mentioned.

Figures rounded to the nearest 1,000.

Ms Walley

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what the average residual income of disability living allowance claimants would be if disability living allowance were removed. [27662]

Mr. Denham

The information requested is set out in the tables.

It is not possible to allow for any consequential effects on income related benefit entitlement. Information on net incomes excluding Disability Living Allowance (DLA) is shown in the tables, for income measures as used in Households Below Average Income statistics. These take the income of the households to which DLA recipients belong and adjusts for household size and composition; this gives "equivalised" incomes.

Estimated average value in equivalent £ per week ofhousehold income going to DLA claimants with and without DLA, income before housing costs (BHC)
Average value in £ per weekof income with benefit Average value in £ per weekof income without benefit
Average equivalised value 249 203
Corresponding cash values for Single person 152 124
Couple no children 249 203
Couple 2 children aged 3 and 6 346 282

Estimated average value in equivalent £ per week of household income going to DLA claimants with and without DLA, income after housing costs (AHC)
Average value in £ per week of income with benefit Average value in £ per week of income without benefit
Average equivalised value 218 172
Corresponding cash values for Single person 120 95
Couple no children 218 172
Couple 2 children aged 3 and 6 303 239


1. By way of comparison average equivalised incomes for the whole population were £289 per week BHC and £250 per week AHC.

2. Figures are rounded to the nearest pound and are in June 1997 prices. The measure of DLA used is combined measure of both the care and mobility elements.

3. Average figures given show equivalent £ per week where income has been adjusted for household size and composition. The table also show the money values this average represents for different household types.

4. This answer draws on the departments Households Below Average Income series based on the Family Resources Survey (FRS) for the 1995–96 financial year and covering Great Britain, and as such the following points should be noted:

(i) Recipients in institutions are not covered by the Family Resources Survey.

(ii) The FRS is a sample survey and all estimates must be treated as approximate.


Households Below Average Income.

Mr. Wyatt

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what has been the change in the number of children claiming disability living allowance since 1983. [27099]

Mr. Denham

The information is not available in the format requested. Such information as is available is set out in the table.

Disability Living Allowance was introduced in 1992. Any child in receipt of Attendance Allowance or Mobility Allowance on this date were transferred to this benefit.

Children claiming Attendance Allowance, Mobility Allowance or Disability Living Allowance
1983 1997
Children claiming benefit for care needs 1,353,000 2,4189,000
Children claiming benefit for mobility needs 5,617,000 3,7107,100
1 Analytical Services Division. Figures estimated from a 100 per cent. count of statistical records adjusted to reflect the extent to which they overstate the number of live cases. Figures rounded to nearest 100.
2 Analytical Services Division: 5 per cent. data.
3 Figures relate to people claiming attendance allowance at 31 March 1983.
4 Figures relate to people claiming disability living allowance care component at 30 November 1997.
5 All Figures relate to children 15 and under except for children claiming benefit for mobility needs where figures are based on 100 per cent. data relate to children aged 14 or under and exclude those with awards under the Vehicle Scheme Regulations of 1977.
6 Figures relate to people claiming mobility allowance at 31 December 1983.
7 Figures relate to people claiming disability living allowance mobility component at 30 November 1997.

Figures do not sum as the same child may receive benefit for care and mobility needs.