HL Deb 16 February 1998 vol 586 c6WA
Lord Braine of Wheatley

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What assistance was provided by the then Government to the proponents of the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Bill, 1966–67; and whether Parliamentary Counsel provided assistance. [HL470]

Baroness Jay of Paddington

On Wednesday 18 January 1967, the then Minister of State at the Home Office, made the following statement to Standing Committee F on the Government's position on the Medical Termination of Pregnancy BillThe Government's collective view on the Bill is one of neutrality, as it was on Second Reading. We believe as a Government that it is for the Committee to determine what shall be the form of the Bill when it emerges from Committee. We have in mind that the Second Reading was passed by an overwhelming vote in the House and, because of that, the Government have given. and will continue to give, all possible drafting assistance to the promoter of the Bill. The Under-Secretary of State at the Scottish Office, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Health and myself are here to help the Committee in every possible way and to advise about the practicability and feasibility of the Amendments proposed. But we are here as individual members of the Committee, and we have our individual rights as members of the Committee, so that when it comes to voting on Amendments we shall exercise that individual right and vote according to our individual views".