HL Deb 12 February 1998 vol 585 cc226-37WA
Lord Chesham

asked Her Majesty's Government:

How many reviews and task forces have been announced since 1 May 1997; and [HL222]

When the reviews and task forces set up since 1 May 1997 were originally intended to report and the currently anticipated date of report. [HL223]

Lord McIntosh of Haringey

The information requested is set out below.

Government Reviews announced since 1 May 1997.
Original Report Date
Review (where announced) Date Reported Anticipated Report Date
The Department of Social Security is committed to modernising the structure and delivery of social security in order to encourage independence, social cohesion and well being; to develop an active welfare system which supports work, savings and honesty; and to help tackle effectively unjustifiable social and economic inequalities. To that end we will be examining the major components of the system. We will consult on specific issues in due course. This work has now been subsumed into the Government's work on welfare reform.
Review of the Code of Practice on Access to Government Information. July 1997.
Review of Quangos. Spring 1998. A consultation document was issued in November 1997 and a final report will be made in Spring 1998
Review of the Charter Programme. Spring 1998.
Review of the Existing Drugs Strategy. Spring 1998. Spring 1998.
Review on the United Kingdom's Position Under Various International Human Rights Instruments. Announced on 3 July 1997, this review is expected to take about a year and will report information as it becomes available. As information becomes available.
Review of Policy Towards the Remaining UK Dependent Territories. Reporting timetable not yet determined.
Review of the Criteria Used in Considering Licence Applications for the Export of Conventional Arms. 28 July 1997.
Strategic Defence Review. This review was originally envisaged to be completed around the turn of the year. Once all work on the review has been considered by Ministers, it is envisaged that a White Paper, setting out their overall conclusion, will be published in the first half of 1998.
Review of the Arrangements for Compensating Service Personnel (or Their Dependants) and for the Payment of Death and Invaliding Benefit. Summer 1998 Summer 1998
Review of Information Services: Northern Ireland Office. October 1997. 5 November 1997.
Review of Trust Ports in Northern Ireland. March 1998. March 1998.
Review of the 1993 Strategy for the Support of the Voluntary Sector and for Development in Northern Ireland. December 1998. December 1998.
Review of the District Councils' Community Services Programme. Summer 1998. summer 1998.
Review of Training Centres and Further Education Colleges in Northern Ireland February 1998.
Fundamental Review of the Economic Development Strategy in Northern Ireland. Autumn/Winter 1999. Autumn/Winter 1999.
Review of the Industrial Development Support Services: Northern Ireland. March 1998. March 1998.
Policy Review of the Youth Service: Northern Ireland. December 1998. December 1998.
Review of the Law Relating to Surrogacy. By Early 1998. Summer 1998.
Review of the Evidence Relating to Silicon Breast Implants. Aimed to report by late 1997. April 1998.
Review of the Breast Screening Programme in Devon and the Implications for the Breast Cancer Screening Programme as a Whole. 3 November 1997.
Review of London's Health Service. Aimed to complete the main elements of the review by October 1997. 18 November 1997.
Review of the Latest Information Available on Inequalities in Health. Summer 1998. Summer 1998.
Review of Liverpool Blood Services. September 1997. Interim Report given in September 1997. Full Report in Spring 1998.

Government Reviews announced since 1 May 1997.
Original Report Date
Review (where announced) Date Reported Anticipated Report Date
Review of the National Curriculum in Wales. Interim report—March 1998. Interim report—March 1998.
Full report June 1998. Full report June 1998.
Strategic Review of the Welsh Trunk Road Programme. Spring 1998.
Review of the Role of the Welsh Language Board in Welsh Education. Autumn 1997. spring 1998.
Review of the Number and Shape of NHS Trusts in Wales. April 1999. April 1999.
Review of Economic Regeneration in Wales. September 1997. October 1997.
Comprehensive Spending Review. Summer 1998. Summer 1998.
Review of the North Sea Fiscal Regime. Spring 1998. Spring 1998.
Review of Capital Gains Taxation. Spring 1998. Spring 1998.
Review of Charities' Taxation. To publish a consultation document by Spring 1998. to publish a consultation document by Spring 1998.
Review of Leakage and Avoidance of Direct Taxes. Rolling Review with first report due Spring 1998. First Report—Spring 1998.
Review of Alcohol and Tobacco Duties December 1997. Review is now in its final stages and will report by March 1998.
Review of the Venture Capital Trust Scheme and Enterprise Investment Scheme. December 1997. Spring 1998.
Review of Tax and Benefits. June 1998. June 1998.
Review of Landfill Tax. January 1998. February 1998.
Review on the Revenue Effect of a Reduced Rate of VAT for Energy Efficient Materials and Alternative Options for Targeted Relief to Help Those on Low Incomes to Save Energy. Report to Parliament by October 1997. November 1997.
Review of Private Finance Machinery. 13 June 1997.
Home Office and Northern Ireland Office Review to Consider Permanent UK Wide Counter terrorism Legislation. Autumn 1998 Autumn 1998.
Review of the Law Relating to Bribery and Corruption. Early 1998. Early 1998.
Strategic Review of National Police Training. April 1998.
Interdepartmental Review of Police Pensions. Early 1998. A consultation document will be issued in February 1998.
Review of Arrangements for confiscation of Criminal Assets. May 1998.
Review of Firefighters Pension Scheme. Early 1998. A consultation document will be issued in February 1998.
Review of Community Fire Safety. This review has been completed.
Review of Prison Nursing Services. February 1998. February 1998.
Review of Long-term Future of Prison Service Health Care. Mid 1998. Mid 1998.
Review of Prison Service Drug Strategy. March 1998. March 1998.
Review of Prisons Investigation Strategy. First Report April 1998. First Report April 1998.
Review of the Operation of Release of Prisoners on Temporary Licence. Mid 1998. Mid 1998.
Review of Government Proposals for Youth Justice. December 1997. December 1997.
Review of Measures to Deal With Anti-Social Behaviour. Outcomes will be implemented in the Crime and Disorder Bill.
Review of Measures to Deal With Protection of Communities From Known Sex Offenders Who Pose a Continuing Risk. Outcomes will be implemented in the Crime and Disorder Bill.
Review of Measures on Community Safety. Outcomes will be implemented in the Crime and Disorder Bill.
Intra-Departmental Review of the Treatment of Vulnerable and Intimated Witnesses. March 1998. March 1998.
Review of the Future Role of Local Civil Protection in England and Wales. Consultation phase completed.
Review of the Control of Unscrupulous Immigration Advisors. Consultation Document published 22 January 1998.

Government Reviews announced since 1 May 1997.
Original Report Date
Review (where announced) Date Reported Anticipated Report Date
Review of Immigration and Asylum Appeals. Autumn 1997. Completed. A Consultation document is being prepared.
A Comprehensive Review of the Food Related Scientific Services in Scotland. September 1998.
Review into the System of Land Ownership and Management in Scotland. December 1998. December 1998.
Review of Transport Policy in Scotland. Spring 1998. Spring 1998.
Review of the Scottish Roads Programme. Summer 1998. Spring 1998.
Review of Skye Bridge Tolls. July 1997. July 1997 and implemented January 1998.
Review Countryside Access Legislation in Scotland. December 1998. December 1998.
Review to Identify Areas of Scotland Appropriate for Designation as National Parks. March 1999. March 1999.
Review of the Scottish Water Industry. November 1997. Reported to Parliament in December 1997.
Review of Rural Water and Sewerage Grant Scheme. Summer 1998. Summer 1998.
Review of Gaelic Broadcasting. February 1998. February 1998.
Scottish Enterprise Strategy Review. October 1997.
Review of the Scottish Awards Agency for Scotland. April 1998. April 1998.
Review of Scottish Homes' Support for Owner Occupation. December 1997. Received and being considered.
Review of Scottish Homes' Support for Rented Housing. March 1998. February 1998.
Commission on Local Government and Scottish Parliament. Report to the first Minister on his/her election. Report to the first Minister on his/her election.
Review of Post Offices. The first phase of this review, a consultation exercise and scoping study, has been completed. the Government is now considering how to take this work forward.
An Audit of the Foresight Programme which is a programme to bring together businesses, Government and academia to identify market and technology opportunities for the future. By Summer Recess 1997. October 1997.
Review of New and Renewable Energy. By December 1998. By December 1998.
Review of Clean Coal Technology. An announcement will be made about the outcome of this review when Ministers have had timeto consider the review's recommendations alongside those from the Comprehensive Spending Review.
Reveiw of Utilities. By End 1997. Early 1998.
Review of Electricity Trading Arrangements. July 1998. July 1998.
Review of Energy Sources for Power Regeneration. June 1998.
Review of film Policy. Spring 1998. March 1998.
Review of Arrangements for Celebrating the millennium. June 1997.
Review of the National Lottery, Leading to the Publication of a White Paper. White paper published 21 july 1997.
Review of Policy on Admission charging by National Museums. Autumn 1997. The Secretary of State for the Department of Culture. Media and Sport decided that further consideration of this issue was required. An interim announcement was made on 8 December.
Review of Rolling Stock Leasing Market. April 1998. April 1998.
Review of Policy on Chemicals in Environment. End 1998.

Government Reviews announced since 1 May 1997.
Original Report Date
Review (where announced) Date Reported Anticipated Report Date
Review of the National Air Quality Strategy. End 1998.
Review of The Pilotage Act. March 1998. March 1998.
Review of the Water Charging System and a Review of the Water Abstraction Licensing System. Consultation papers on the proposals for the change to be issued early this year.
Review of UK Sustainable Development Strategy. By End 1998. A revised strategy will be published by the end of 1998.
Fundamental Review of Transport Policy. Spring 1998. Spring 1998.
Review of Compulsory Competitive Tendering Regulations and Guidance. July 1997. July 1997. New regulations laid November 1997. New circular issued December.
Financial Management and Policy Review of the Local Government Commission. Stage 1: January 1998. March 1998.
Review of Political Restrictions on Local Government Officers. Spring 1998.
Ministerial Task Group on Home Buying. Task Group report to follow receipt and consideration of study of home-buying process. Full study report: September 1998 (remit extended as a result of pilot).
Pilot study report: December 1997. Task Group to report Autumn 1998 following receipt and consideration of full study report.
Careers Service Special Needs Task Force. December 1998. December 1998.
Disability Rights Task Force. Recommendations on the Role and Function of a Disbility Rights Commission—March 1998. Early recommendations— March 1998.
Full report—July 1999. Full Report—July 1999.
Further Education Student Support Advisory Group March 1998. March 1998.
Numeracy Task Force Interim Report in November 1997. Preliminary Recommendations made 21 january, further consultation in progress. Final report summer 1998.
Final report Summer 1998.
National Advisory Group for Consinuing Education and Lifelong Learning October 1997. 11 November 1997.
National Schools Standards Task Force. Ongoing group which reports as and when necessary.
New Deal Task Force. Ongoing group which reports as and when necessary.
skills Task Force. The Secretary of State for Education and Employment announced his intention to set up a Skills Task Force on 10 November 1997. The report dae for this Task Force is not yet determined.
Pension Provision Group. February 1998. February 1998.
Pensions Education Working Group. January 1998. January 1998.
Better Regulation Task Force. Ongoing Task Force. 1st report in September 1998.
Export Forum. Autumn 1997. 4 November 1997.
Ministerial Task Force on the EU Presidency. Ministerial Task Froce set up to co-ordinate the EU Presidency, advises the EDOP committee as and when necessary.

Government Reviews announced since 1 May 1997.
Original Report Date
Review (where announced) Date Reported Anticipated Report Date
Northern Ireland New Deal Task Force. Ongoing group which reports as and when necessary.
NHS Charter Advisory Group. Summer 1998. Summer 1998.
NHS Efficiency Task Force. A Permanent Body which provides advice as and when necessary.
8 Regional Task Forces to Support the Waiting List Action Team. Permanent Bodies which provide advice as and when necessary.
Ministerial Task Force on the Government's response to the Utting Report. The Secretary of State for health announced that he would establish this Task Force on 19 November 1997. The report date for its work has not yet been determined.
Welsh Childcare Strategy Working Group. February 1998. February 1998.
Education and Training Action Group: Welsh Office Early Spring 1999. Early Spring 1999.
Wales New Deal Advisory Task Force. Appointed for an initial period of two years, ending August 2000. Provides advice as when necessary.
The McCullagh Group: Reviewing Growth Barriers for Industry and Enterprise. March 1998. March 1998.
Scottish Advisory Task Force on New Deal. May 1999.
Prestwick Task Force: To Assist in the Economic Development of Prestwick in the Light of Recent Job Losses. Probable report date is October 1998.
Action Group on Standards in Scottish Schools. A permanent body which provides advice as necessary.
President of the Board of Trade's Competitiveness Advisory Group. A permanent body which provides advice as necessary.
Competitiveness Working Parties. (6) By end 1997. March 1998.
Low Pay Commission. May 1998.
Interdepartmental Task Force on Competitiveness in Europe. A permanent body which provides advice as necessary.
Creative Industries Task Force: to look for ways of maximising the economic impact of British goods and services in the creative sector. The Task Force will produce a series of recommendations for Government over the course of this Parliament, which will be published. Expected to report on a number of issues during 1998.
The Football Task Force. Due to report by end 1997 on its remit to investigate, and recommend new measures to deal with, the public's concerns on issues such as racism, ticket prices, access for disabled and the increasing commercialism of football. Deadlines have been extended to allow more time for wide consultation. By end 1997. Separate reports will be made during 1998 on a range of issues.
The Construction Task Force. Spring 1998. Spring 1998.
The Coalfields Task Force. March 1998. April 1998.
Joint DETR/Environment Agency Task Force on Risk Assessment and Risk Management for Environment Protection. June 1998.
Shipping Working Group To Consider Measures to Revive the UK Shipping Industry and to Increase Employment in Training British Seafarers. To report in time to feed into a White Paper on Integrated Transport, which will be published in 1998.
A Task Force on Youth Justice: to Drive Forward the Government's Proposed Changes for Young Offenders. Two reports have been published in August 1997 and in October 1997.

Government Reviews announced since 1 May 1997.
Original Report Date
Review (where announced) Date Reported Anticipated Report Date
Private Finance Task Force. Set up to advance the private finance initiative and public/private partnerships across Government. An ongoing Task Force which provides advice as and when necessary.
Review of the Women's National Commission October 1997 Summer/Autumn 1998