HL Deb 12 February 1998 vol 585 cc217-8WA
The Countess of Mar

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they are conducting, or intend to conduct, any research into the short and long term effects upon humans, animals and the environment of the use of depleted uranium munitions and other depleted uranium materials; and, if not, why not. [HL388]

Lord Gilbert

The UK Government are not conducting any experimental work specifically on the short or long term effects of depleted uranium on humans, animals or the environment. However, in order to inform the MoD's research strategy on the management of wounds in the military environment, a review is being conducted of current developments and future trends in munitions that may have clinical implications for the treatment of injured servicemen and women. This review will take into account the radiological and toxicological health hazards posed by the use of depleted uranium ammunition by opposing military forces, which are well understood. In addition, studies have been carried out by the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency into the rate of corrosion of depleted uranium in the marine environment.

The Countess of Mar

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What is their current scientific advice as to the environmental effects of using depleted uranium munitions and other depleted uranium materials within the military test ranges located in the United Kingdom, in both the short and the long term; and [HL386]

What information they have given to communities living in close proximity to military test ranges as to the environmental and public health hazards, now and in the future, of depleted uranium munitions and other depleted uranium materials used on ranges located in the United Kingdom. [HL387]

Lord Gilbert

During September 1993, local councillors and members of the press were invited onto the ranges at Kirkcudbright and Eskmeals, and were given presentations on environmental monitoring and the possible health hazards associated with depleted uranium firings.

A detailed review of the environmental impact of depleted uranium firings on these ranges was undertaken by an independent environmental consultant, W. S. Atkins, in 1995. The consultant concluded that the radiation doses to members of the public, and the associated risks from exposure to depleted uranium released into the environment, were extremely low. Environmental monitoring completed by the MoD since the Atkins' report was published has confirmed this view. Copies of W. S. Atkins' environmental impact assessment were supplied to local councils and have also been placed in the House of Commons Library.

Depleted uranium environmental monitoring reports are written annually for both the Eskmeals and Kirkcudbright ranges. The 1996 reports are due to be released to the local councils for each range in the early part of 1998. It is intended that all future environmental monitoring reports will be made public.

The environmental sampling programmes have shown very low concentrations of depleted uranium in the environment at both sites. The levels of depleted uranium found have been generally lower than the levels of uranium that occur naturally in the environment, and samples taken on request from homes of members of the public show total concentrations of uranium at natural levels. No depleted uranium contamination has been measured in marine environmental samples. The MoD will continue to respond to public concerns, and will provide such environmental monitoring data as may be required.

The Countess of Mar

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What has been the cost to date of research and development of depleted uranium munitions and other depleted uranium materials in the United Kingdom, including any products, services or raw materials purchased for civil or military use; and [HL390]

What research and development has been undertaken to date in relation to depleted uranium technology in the United Kingdom; whether this research and development has been conducted unilaterally or jointly with other nations or private organisations; and in which United Kingdom locations. [HL389]

Lord Gilbert

Research and development work has been carried out by the Ministry of Defence on two tank munitions programmes which use depleted uranium. CHARM 1 and CHARM 3. These anti-tank rounds were developed unilaterally under commercial contracts placed by MoD. The UK locations where this work took place are: Royal Ordnance facilities at Birtley and Featherstone; Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) Aldermaston; the former AWE Cardiff; and MoD ranges at Eskmeals and Kirkcudbright.

The total cost of these programmes is in the region of £200 million. I am withholding information on other MoD research programmes involving depleted uranium under Exemption 1, (Defence, Security and International Relations) of the Code of Practice on access to Government Information. We are not aware of any other research programmes which involve depleted uranium.