HL Deb 02 February 1998 vol 585 cc90-1WA
Lord Braine of Wheatley

asked the Chairman of Committees:

In view of the fact that the provision of childcare facilities at the House of Commons is under consideration by the Commons Administration Committee and that a survey on childcare needs is also being circulated by that Committee, whether the Administration and Works Sub-Committee will seek the views of:

  1. (a) Peers;
  2. (b) Peers' staff; and
  3. (c) other staff of the House

about introducing childcare facilities within the House of Lords, or sharing any facilities that the House of Commons may introduce. [HL248]

The Chairman of Committees

House of Lords provision for childcare extends only to staff of the House under arrangements set out in previous Written Answers (WA 9 22 May 1997). No representations have been received from staff to alter the basis of this provision, and it is not therefore proposed to carry out a survey of childcare needs in this House. The recommendations of the Commons Administration Committee will be considered by the Establishment Office when they are published.