HC Deb 09 December 1998 vol 322 cc207-9W
Mr. Jack

To ask the Minister of State, Lord Chancellor's Department which of the Land Registry offices his latest accommodation review has revealed as surplus to current requirements; and what action he now proposes to take with regard to them. [62895]

Mr. Hoon

The Land Registry's latest accommodation review has revealed that a sub-office (1,269 sq m) of the Gloucester District Land Registry is surplus to current requirements. The Land Registry is actively marketing the sale of the lease. Since 1990, the Land Registry has reduced its estate by some 43,000 sq m of accommodation, covering 34 sites.

Mr. Jack

To ask the Minister of State, Lord Chancellor's Department which Land Registry offices in the North West have sufficient spare capacity in terms of space or people to enable them to take on the work currently conducted by the Lytham Land Registry. [62896]

Mr. Hoon

There are no Land Registry offices in the North-West which have sufficient spare capacity in terms of space or people to enable them to take on the work currently conducted by the Lytham Land Registry.

Mr. Jack

To ask the Minister of State, Lord Chancellor's Department what analysis his Department or the Land Registry has undertaken on the future of the Land Registry office in Lytham. [62897]

Mr. Hoon

An analysis by the Land Registry on the future of its office in Lytham has concluded that registration activity is projected to increase by up to 20 per cent. over the next five years following recent land registration legislation. Existing accommodation, which is operating at fully capacity, will therefore soon be insufficient to carry out its business.

The Land Registry intends to redevelop its nearby Warton site to house the registration work generated by the County of Lancashire. The existing Lytham building will cater for work generated by Greater Manchester.

Mr. Jack

To ask the Minister of State, Lord Chancellor's Department if he will make a statement on the operational future of the Land Registry office in Lytham(a) in the next 12 months, (b) in the next three years and (c) in the next five years. [62898]

Mr. Hoon

In the next 12 months the Land Registry will begin to operate from its Lytham office as the Lytham District Land Registry (dealing with registrations from Greater Manchester) and the Lancashire District Land Registry (dealing with registration from Lancashire)—the latter moving to the new accommodation at nearby Warton on its completion. Over the next five years the two business units will be taking forward partnerships with local authorities to register all of their landholdings. This will bring considerable security and efficiency benefits to local authorities and to the local taxpayer.

Mr. Jack

To ask the Minister of State, Lord Chancellor's Department if he is currently acting on a request from the Treasury to review the property portfolio of office accommodation currently used by the Land Registry. [62899]

Mr. Hoon

A review of the property portfolio of office accommodation used by the Land Registry was carried out as part of the Government's Comprehensive Spending Review. The review identified some 13,000 sq m of accommodation as surplus to requirements and this has now been disposed of.

Mr. Jack

To ask the Minister of State, Lord Chancellor's Department if he will list the cost of operation per employee of each of the Land Registry offices. [62900]

Mr. Hoon

Excluding one-off costs, the costs of operation per employee in 1997–98 of each of the Land Registry's offices were as follows:

Offices £
Birkenhead 21,814
Coventry 22,047
Croydon 27,358
Durham 20,372
Gloucester 23,968
Harrow 27,508
Hull 23,274
Leicester 22,008
Lytham 22,526
Nottingham 21,132
Peterborough 26,199
Plymouth 24,019
Portsmouth 26,056
Stevenage 23,487
Swansea 22,466
Telford 23,548
Tunbridge Wells 22,583
Weymouth 22,664
York 26,957

Mr. Jack

To ask the Minister of State, Lord Chancellor's Department when he last assessed the office accommodation requirements for the Land Registry; and if he will make a statement. [62901]

Mr. Hoon

The office accommodation requirements for the Land Registry were last assessed as part of its business planning cycle and are shown in the Land Registry's Corporate Plan 1998–2003 and its published Business Plan 1998–99. Both Plans were approved by the Lord Chancellor.