HC Deb 07 December 1998 vol 322 c1W
Ms Ward

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what instructions are issued to Benefits Agency staff who deal with the public requiring them to identify themselves. [61626]

Angela Eagle

The administration of the Benefits Agency is a matter for its Chief Executive, Peter Mathison. He will write to my hon. Friend.

Letter from Peter Mathison to Ms Claire Ward, dated 3 December 1998: I am replying to your recent Parliamentary Question about the instructions issued to Benefits Agency staff who deal with the public requiring them to identify themselves. Benefits Agency policy on the issue of staff giving their names to customers is as follows: When dealing with the public inside the office, staff should: give their name on the telephone and in letters wear name badges. Name badges should normally display either the member of staff's: surname and forename or initials or forename and job title (job title alone is not sufficient). Staff should not give their name if they have reasons for believing that their safety is at risk. If staff feel that their safety is at risk by providing their actual name, they have the right, following consultation with management, to use an office name. This should be sensible and should be consistently used by that member of staff on all office business. BA does not expect staff to wear name badges outside the office. They should normally give their name if requested unless they feel that their personal safety is at risk. Staff who carry an ID card must show it on arrival and give their name if asked. These instructions are contained in the BA Conditions of Service Manual and are referred to in the letter issued to staff taking up permanent appointment. I hope you find this reply is helpful.

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